Surrender act no longer drops the weapon

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Czech Republic
Description of the idea: I think it's fairly abused by anyone, it forces you to drop any offensive weapon (except police of course), you can just run into group of people, order them to put their hands up - If they dont listen, shoot them, if they do, they just disarm themselves for free. Also, sometimes it happens to me that I press C and accidently press this button in public and I just drop my weapon and anyone can pick it up. I believe this should be reworked and only drop visible weapons (On your back) and weapon you hold in your arms.

Why should this be added? (pros): Not so exploitable as it is now.

What negatives could this have? (cons): As every idea, there might be a problem with rulebreakers but without rulebreak, this should do just fine :)

*Other additions: Also people forget Zipties are ingame (Because it'S obviously useless when people do /act surrender, they drop weapons and then you can do /me steals stuff hahahahah). While you have your hands up (/act surrender) anyone can ziptie you without consent.

*Images: [useful images]
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@Tomiko Yes, I would love to see an idiot test. And my point is there is ALWAYS negatives, just because it's Rule Breakers doesn't mean it's not a negative but ok.
I edited the idea a little bit as @Lelios1 suggested
make it so you drop any visible weaponry but keep the hidden stuff
and @Jack P
Negatives: Minges, or people who think they get a chance pulls their pistol and tries to take them out. Under gunpoint
I added 2 more things:
Also people forget Zipties are ingame (Because it'S obviously useless when people do /act surrender, they drop weapons and then you can do /me steals stuff hahahahah). While you have your hands up (/act surrender) anyone can ziptie you without consent.
and rewrote the last sentance.
Maybe just for secondaries, but there’d be nothing more annoying than forcing someone to put their hands up in a raid only for them to claim to be completely unarmed then shoot or stab you in the back. I don’t wanna start frisking everyone i gunpoint whilst they’re still a threat.

Overall I’d say no to this idea mate.
That's why you should still handcuff them and search for any weapons later. You should still be unable to pull out stuff like fists (and in this case your equipped weapon) if you're doing this act just like almost any other which should be enough time to restrain the person.
@BigBenji The surrender action would still take 10 seconds to end though, wouldn't that be enough time to either /me search them, ziptie them or tell them to put their hands up again under gunpoint?

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