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Deleted member 5920


Make SWAT have a test.

Short explanation (in notes):
- At the moment if you pass the test for Police you can be a SWAT, but there would be questions about hostage situations.
- Help make SWAT RPing better.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):

So if you pass the police test and you have VIP you can become SWAT. Now that test doesn't really include SWAT questions. Take today for example, we had the SWAT completely ignore the LT and get 2 hostages killed (Which ended in a 40 minute admin sit with a very angry LT). The mindset for SWAT is very poor at the moment as they think they are invincible and this test is really starting to be needed.

Optional additions:
- All job tests reset every month
- Job test for LT
- No more CoD Swat.
+Support, SWAT lately are doing weird stuff. I always thought why there isn't tests for the SWAT and the Lieutenant.
People(Young people who love CoD and all that faze clan MLG Bullshit) being SWAT and saying ''We are faze clan SWAT'' and all that.
+support we had 3 situations where they ignored commands last night and all ended up with admin situations. First one was with one SWAT which we knew wallbanged and gone rambo mode. Next one was the same thing and lastly the full police force.
What does everyone think about resetting the test every month?
I agree with something like this. Two times in the past 3 days, the SWAT have ended up raiding me for no reason because they are too incompetent to remember which apartment they are called to.

The first time, I rang the police because I was getting raided, when the raiders heard the sirens they fled to the flat upstairs. They knocked on my door and I opened, only to be greeted with police and swat charging in and arresting me, then getting warranted, then getting raided by the police...

The second time I was minding my own business when suddenly C2 was planted on my door... I had no idea what was going on, they didn't even have a warrant. Turns out the flat upstairs had a hostage but the swat were too silly to realise htye were at the wrong apartment without a warrant...

Both times Swiper sorted it out. There just seems to be an influx of squeeky kids who are trigger happy who started playing swat.

TL;DR - SWAT screwed up twice on me recently, had to get admin to sort it out.
Don't get why everyone is going so hard on swat, if the regular police officers would do their job properly swat wouldn't have to get confused as often as they get at the moment (IMO). And then we have those civs that always want to get into firefights not allowing to let the swat role play a situation out. Either way often it's not the swats fault that situations go down.

It's all about how you try to role play it out and how other people react to it...

As an example:

I went yesterday on the server and went straight for cop. After lagging around the city I had my first situation where there was a raid going on at the slums, after a requested roadblock to prevent from traffic to pass I blocked it off. Obviously it didn't took long before people just ignored it and the fact that the road was blocked because there was a shootout not even 100 meters away. The driver still decides to break through my roadblock. After I got in my vehicle and started pursuing the vehicle he then turned around the way he came (went through the shootout and then straight back). Now I don't get why he went through the roadblock in the first place as he turned around to go the same way he came.

That was just one situation out of 10 other that happen last night.

I will be making a thread within this week explaining the current situation that is interrupting others role play experience.
I have to agree with Stephen (disagree is death), I often find that if the SWAT is doing a poor job its because of no lieutenant to guide them, or the lieutenant is giving out horrible orders.

If the SWAT is guided properly via the lieutenant, by a player who knows how to lead, the SWAT can be Very effective.

Also, people need to remember that playing as the lieutenant, you need to be the leader, and train / educate staff who is preforming poorly. If that does not help, a demotion might be best for the entire police force, as it would make room for perhaps better candidates.
As I wrote everything overy my phone and and the fact that I'm unable to comment on replies I make a new reply regarding my previous reply (wow I couldn't have it explained harder)

Anyways @Ethan and Stephen

Never said swat is always doing their job but very often I experience that swat get blamed without it being the fact.
A test that you have to complete before being able join is a good idea.

Also Ethan the test you have to complete as a cop is very easy and nearly does not require you to know the rules/laws as most of it you just need little common sense to complete the test.

As I said before I will be going into detail later in a new thread.
Did you know that 40% of deliveries or more are to SWAT alone

I mostly see SWAT watching T.V or hanging around at PD they could be misenterpreting because of what they do at PD. But back on topic I support due to a SWAT getting drunk so something needs to be done.

On a side note can SWAT be banned from listening to a radio or watching T.V its probably why they never listen to the radio.
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