Swiper's Inactivity Notice: Camping (Back 01/08/15)


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Why hello there guys, I'm pretty much going to be gone until Saturday 01/08/15. The next couple of days I'm working some pretty long shifts and I probably will not find the time to come on. Monday, I'll be off camping until Friday. I'm bringing a fatty power bank so I'll be able to charge my phone and check up on the forum, so if you still need me, feel free to contact me however I might only be able to get back to you in the evenings.

See you all later!

Regarding Supervisor Applications, Stage 2 will be answered over the next couple of days so Stage 1 can open for Monday.

Stories will be put on Snapchat of my amazing camping experience

dont click image pls

I will now hereby commandeer the applications. I'm a great supervisor, don't you dare swerve into the middle of the road :kappa:

Have a good time Swiper. Make sure that you don't set alight your tent, bad things happen.
Good thing is that at tent is totally indestructible against anything Sharknado's to Yet another guy yelling at you because he has been banned.

I never liked tents if it has strong structure I dont mind what it is.

If I was given the choice of camping or skydiving it would probably be skydiving.
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Have fun camping and raise your Swiper's \:swiper:/
Have a good time camping and try not to get raped by
hey swiper how r u today
. You know what I mean.
Anyways make sure to take a net as those mossies are at their peak. See you when you come back.
Bolli is quaking in his boots, it's that time of year again. Maybe we'll get a new head admin instead of a new senior this year :rolleyes:
Don't leave, stay. Please?
Anyway, have fun and come back ASAP and healthy.
Well I am now back, a few days late due to work. See you all later! ;)