Switched back to v4?

They opened the vote to the forums, the majority of which voted for EvoCity didn't actually play the server and the active players were left unhappy. One can only assume they gave in to pressure from the active players to switch back(?) but somehow we ended up on a worse version of Paralake, weird.
Sorry, but this decision is the worst so far.

You ask the community to vote for maps that the community wants and wishes to play, obviously the community wanted EvoCity and that's what we got... for 3 days or whatever? Honestly, just give us back evo since it's the best map for the gamemode and paralake* is just some emo looking map where you wish to go to bed. The map is too big for the playerbase and you barely ever interact with anyone, the map is WAY too dark, the map is just cluttered with buildings and locations that are more or less useless.

Honestly, there's no point in playing a map where you meet a player every five minutes and you end up getting shot for no reason
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Let's guess the part where they added evo city
because people are playing perp with computers from the middle ages and can't handle the fps when only in ONE part of the map
Can you guys give the community some sort of explanation why it was switched back when the community voted otherwise? Most people would like to know. A bit of transparency would be nice. @Collier @Madda @TinySlayer @Samuel

@Bolli was the one that decided to switch to Paralake V4. And this was due to a dying player count, if you actually look at server population statistics you will see that player count died when we switched to evo.

I have not looked at any data, but I would guess that many of the people that voted for Evo, are not active players. Is Paralake V4 the best map? No, I don't like it. But clearly many players do, as can be seen in the amount of players we have today. Is it important to listen to the community? of course, but if its shown that the decision that was voted for is killing the player count, then I personally see no reason for Bolli not to act.
maybe you didn't see this

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