Server Suggestion tfu trained officers get mp5k while secret service

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Suggestion Title: tfu trained officers get mp5k while secret service
Suggestion Description: exactly what the title says

Why should this be added?:
- As of now ss only gets access too pistols, if u are taser trained u get a taser as well. I believe if u are trained enough for tfu as secret service u should get access too heavier weapons
- Secret services weapons are kind off shite rn and need a few more weapons and i believe this could be a decent solution
- It also gives u more off a reason too become ss

What negatives could this have?:
- maybe a bit unrealistic
- not sure off anything else, if u have anything u think should be added too this pls let me know and ill add it if i think its reasonable
I’d rather see something similar to this implemented allowing a single SS agent (possibly with Corporal + and/or VIP) to have access to a 20 round, compensatorless sub machine gun, but I’d rather see the MP7 used for that purpose since it does significantly less damage than most guns.
Maybe not even an SMG but access to sights on your pistols like SO and a wider variety of pistols, SMGS are used in real life and are concealed and I think its needed as an SS as you are kind of defenceless
Not going to lie. There must be a re-work around the SS guns. or a system. i found myself trapped in a corner. with my SS who have PISTOLS and the whole pd dead/busy at raids. i mean you can take the guess. if lets say the hoodrats raid CH. and the pd is dead/having a shootout at projex. and u only have 3 SS agents with a pistol. who u think is gonna win. Hoodrats of course. and then thats the end of the mayor. i mean the pd can 'respawn' and go to ch and try and save u but at that time ur already dead. I'd love to see a system where only the mayor can implent like a "Large Weapon" that can do some dmg to the criminals/people who r tryna get in. but u only unlock that Feature. when you "have 4/6 days playtime with a quiz/test u have to take. and if u abuse it it's done for. like any other job)

Also GG hoodrats
This is not a good idea to let Secret Service have a weapon that can slaughter at least half of the spawn area without needing to reload.
Glock 18c has 19 rounds and is also full auto, the P226 and USP40 have 13 rounds which can easily kill 13 AFK /spawning in players. Entirely moot point.
This is not a good idea to let Secret Service have a weapon that can slaughter at least half of the spawn area without needing to reload.
Why not? The suggestion does say they'd need to meet the requirement of being TFU before they'd be able to get it as SS, and we're already trusting TFU with weapons that can kill the entire spawn area without reloading. This isn't too different. Plus, they can still be punished through IA as well as by staff.

I'd be behind the idea mentioned by @Bnej of one Secret Service agent being allowed to carry a concealed SMG of some kind, granted that they need to meet some PLPD requirements prior (whether it'd be that they're a part of TFU or have a rank equal to Corporal or above), as often the Secret Service are the only ones standing between the mayor and certain death by assault rifles, be it because the PLPD are dead, busy, or unable to respond in time. Defending the mayor just using pistols, without sights even, is difficult.
Why not? The suggestion does say they'd need to meet the requirement of being TFU before they'd be able to get it as SS, and we're already trusting TFU with weapons that can kill the entire spawn area without reloading. This isn't too different. Plus, they can still be punished through IA as well as by staff.

I'd be behind the idea mentioned by @Bnej of one Secret Service agent being allowed to carry a concealed SMG of some kind, granted that they need to meet some PLPD requirements prior (whether it'd be that they're a part of TFU or have a rank equal to Corporal or above), as often the Secret Service are the only ones standing between the mayor and certain death by assault rifles, be it because the PLPD are dead, busy, or unable to respond in time. Defending the mayor just using pistols, without sights even, is difficult.
He has a point and Bneji's Suggestion is a good fix.Having 1 or 2 SS agents with the rank of corporal or higher/ or S.O as TFU. cause ss agents die really fast if they are being stormed with 15 people.
1/3 of the SS agents CPL+ should be able to equip a subcompact SMG like the MP7, Uzi, etc.
All of the SS agents SO+ should be able to equip optics on their weapons as they can in the PD.

The TFU requirement part is kinda redundant as TFU exists in the police department to balance the previously overpowered SWAT and to ensure firearms officers have correct training on how to breach, negotiate, prevent crime and so forth, things not required by Secret Service where their primary role is simply the protection of one asset.
He has a point and Bneji's Suggestion is a good fix.Having 1 or 2 SS agents with the rank of corporal or higher/ or S.O as TFU. cause ss agents die really fast if they are being stormed with 15 people.

UZI is unironically unstoppable at close range since it has the second highest capacity and is worryingly accurate.
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