Police Suggestion TFU Vehicle Spawning

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Description of the idea: Ammend TFU to reflect PLPD policy by allowing LIGHT TFU to spawn any vehicle they would normally have access to, e.g. RTU TFU can spawn Porsche, Patrol TFU can spawn Dodge.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Prevent stealing other peoples cars as TFU
Reflects PLPD Policy

What negatives could this have? (cons):
Prepare for Sossa to winge

*Other additions: [list here]

*Images: [useful images]
Holy shit Tyla your suggestions are getting more retarded by the day, first it's speed enforcers going 140mph, then it's cops searching trunks and now this. What's next M82's in range rovers? I can't wait for light TFU to pass me in their 140 mph speed enforcer cars.
@Alyt What is wrong with you? Your suggesstions are all about making PLPD more op,just leave it,how it is.
not making it more OP, this is already allowed plpd policy
Big no.
TFU are not supposed to be the first on scene, that's why their cars are bigger and bulkier, but also provide more cover.
Maybe Allow TFU to spawn the dodge and the RTU BMW, but not the Porsche because it’s a fucking monster head glitch.

People calling this idea shit when it actually isn’t. He hasn’t specifically mentioned the merc at all.

Here however are some things I would like clarified:
- Will TFU policy about not being able to put guns in the trunk of non TFU vehicles apply?
- The Range Rover contains marks and equipment that’s necessary to TFU duties. What would be the point in not having access to that?

Overall, I’m saying no to this idea due to clarifications needed policy wise, as well as this underlying fact. As a TFO, by putting on the light patrol gear, you aren’t doing that for regular police work, or traffic duties, by putting on TFU gear you’re going to act as the dynamic response for firearms incidents. And for that purpose, why would you want a vehicle designed and designated for performing traffic duties or patrol duties over a vehicle you can literally use as a ladder to get on top of buildings?

That said, I do think that TFU who are in light gear should be able to access the Lt car if they are Lt.
@Tilin TFU are supposed to be a last resort in a shootout, it’s supposed to represent a SWAT team being called out. It’s not supposed to be a first responder all the time. You guys always get this wrong.

The only time it needs to be a first responder is if a shootout that is knowingly consisting of many armed people with rifles comes out of no where so basically every second. Uniformed officers get there before TFU all the time.

Don’t allow TFU anymore vehicles, it’s good enough they have all of their unlimited equipment and their current vehicles which fit the style now. It doesn’t need faster cars or other cars because it’s a last resort type of Unit. But we have all of us as TFU still patrolling about and shooting anything that moves.

Carry on stealing other officers cars and let it cover that policy but don’t let TFU officers get the Porsche or BMW because these cars are quicker than the Range Rover and handle better just basically making them want to get involved with everything more. That brings me to the point of tfu being a last resort in many situations.
Oh shit my bad I misread it but my point sticks to those who think tfu can respond to anything
@Kenty Exactly. It's annoying when they join pursuits as the lead car. RTU have drawbacks of choosing faster cars, by not being able to respond non life-threatening situations, so why should TFU be able to do everything. There should be drawbacks to choosing a bigger weapon. You want to be fast? No big gun for you. You want to have a big gun? No fast car for you.
TFU were already looking at getting the range rover changed. @Dapsas how is this making it more OP?
Also, If its such an issue, just allow them to use patrol cars based on their rank.
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