Thank you for everything!

Never spoke before but seem sound. Good luck for the future and pass that masters!

Ps if you become famous remember me
We've never spoken (I think) but you helped me quite a few times on reports, so thank you!
Good luck in life and all your goals bro! <3
One of the few people I would not solo patrol if he was on duty.

Gonna miss you bro, God bless you and I hope you find success in your education. <3
Did you think you could leave without handing over some of the presets... All the best with that stuff
Thank you for delivering my food to me whilst I was in jail! And when the phone kept the call on even tho I was in cuffs and in jail thank you for staying on the call so I didnt lose my mind!
3 Months ago, I started playing Perpheads again after a long hiatus, and it was only supposed to be a little nostalgia hit… but then I got hooked. I started making videos on the forums and people reacted to it positively. I then decided to apply for helper and got senior helper 30 days later! I also recently won the best helper award voted by you guys, which was AWESOME! I never felt so welcomed in my life.

The staff team, the community managers and the community itself made me feel like I was a part of something big, and I will never forget that. Which is why it sucks for me to say that I will be resigning and leaving the community. This wasn’t an easy or instant decision and I have been planning this for a month now.

The reason why I am leaving is that I want to focus on what I am passionate about, and that is to finish my university med degree whilst attempting to pursue my dream to go professional in Valorant and become a full-time content creator (which sounds fucking cringe to some but has been my goal for a long time). I can’t attempt to do that whilst playing perp as actively as I have been, and perp has been mainly a distraction to my future goals, which is why I have decided to leave.

I will be on from time to time, you might see me on cop for a little bit, or I might hop on for the odd raid. You might also see me randomly pop up on the forums and you will 100% see me try V6 when it's live. I still will be helping out BTS with other players on Perp for things like video editing and graphic design work, but as of right now, I am going to resign from my role as senior helper and will not be playing Perp.

And like all goodbyes I would like to say a personal thank you to the following people:

@Dave – Thank you for showing me the way to play perp like a sweaty criminal. All jokes aside, you are one of the hardest working and most dedicated staff member I know, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I see administrator Dave next year. You made me reconsider what makes a good player, showing that it’s not all just aim. You also made me feel very welcomed in office gang when collier invited me to that custom game, and that I will never forget.

@dog – Congratulations on getting builder of the Year. You legit never fail to make me laugh with your goofy contraptions and even funnier quotes and your character is always fun to be around. You generally are a great person to be around, and I am grateful that I met you.

@Ellie – Thank you for always sticking up for me at times when I had no power and showing me the way to be a better staff member when I was in doubt. You have shown me a lot of kindness and respect and that has not gone unnoticed, I appreciate it.

@steelo – Hilarious human being to be around and very kind. I loved every RP situation that you were involved in with me, and I especially am grateful for when you stood up for my sweater friend who was being bullied by other players.

@Bnje – When we did have conversations, it was always fun to talk to you. Your passion for the server is honestly amazing and I wish I was as enthusiastic as you when it comes to innovations and ideas (as much as your suggestions are memes to other people, I honestly do appreciate them). I wish you the best.

@Pugga – Always fun to be against when I’m a cop, you are cracked out of your mind with your aim and fun to play with when I’m on crim.

@FatGeorge / @rxsm – I consider you two as the same person, both cracked at aiming, both fucking hilarious and most importantly, both amazing at making edits for perp. I hope you guys carry on making amazing high-quality content, I will miss playing with/against you on perp.

@Acerius – With the interactions we do have, you are always nice to talk to and I generally have a lot of respect for what you for perp. You also are amazing at graphic design! I will continue to eat my cans of sardines tho.

@flugs – Humble, respectful and very dedicated to his work. You are like a role model staff member. I appreciate your efforts in persuading me to apply for enforcer and I am very grateful to have the privilege to talk to you. I wish you the best in both PLPD and Staff as I’m sure you will progress!

@Erwin – Another office gang legend and an amazing friend. Always fun to have conversations with (when you are not moaning down the mic) and surprisingly a very funny guy. You, alongside Dave, Collier, Flugs and Ellie showed me the ways to become a better helper and understand the rules fully, which I am again, very grateful for. I wish you the best in perp and most importantly I wish you the best in your education! Thank you for giving me a chance and dealing with the person that I am, you made me feel welcomed and a part of the office gang.

@Franko / @Backe – The two Swedish meatballs. Backe is the most dedicated perp player I have ever met; however, you do need to seek help bro, you legit make an ungodly number of items. Franko is also another amazing person to play with/against when I am on cop/crim.

@Nate – Haven’t talked to you much as of recently, but when you were on, you were cracked out of your mind 0_0. You always showed me support during my forum posts, and you are always just fun to be around. So glad that you are no longer a hard-stuck enforcer.

@Sindarin – Insane SCP player but also another person who just brings joy to the perpheads. I can't wait to see the new PLPD website when it’s done and I know you are going to contribute significantly to its success! Thank you for also being extremely kind to me when we first played, that again has not been unnoticed.

@Dom_ - Congratulations on winning the Best Aim award and even bigger congrats for finally getting Enforcer. You honestly deserve both titles and without sounding cringe (because I know you would find it cringe), I respect you as a person. You are awesome to play with on any game, whether it's Perp, CS2 or Lethal Company and you are just honestly a nice person to play with. Thank you for the kindness that you have shown me :).

@Clarky – Another amazing role player and person to play with. I’ll never forget when you Collier Murtsley and I were driving around on that dumpster truck as lawyers at 4 am in GTA RP. I am so happy you got Enforcer and I wish you the best in your staff journey.

@Tyla Jai and @Efan – For giving me the helper role again and for promoting me to senior 1 month in. You guys again made me feel welcome, and the fact that you appreciated my work ethic as a helper means a lot to me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity again.

@sidd – You know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. You are an amazing human being and I owe you a lot. You are so fun to play with and to talk to and you never fail to make me laugh. Again, I can’t thank you enough for the kindness you have shown me, it's honestly indescribable and I’m truly grateful.

@Murtsley / @Pusheen / @Jack / @Dank – Office gang people who are somewhat active on perp. You guys are truly amazing people. I am so happy to have met you guys and loved every single second we spent playing games. You guys are amazing, and I will never forget the kindness you guys have shown me

@Super_ – Another amazing person that I am glad I played with and always fun to talk to. I wish you the best!

@Maia – So happy you got developer, and it sucks that I won’t be able to see the amazing work you are going to be creating for the server. Keep up the good work!

@ALOO89 – Always a “blast” to be around. I will miss killing you as a cop main and also miss getting blown into pieces by your nades.

@Adrienne Kali – Happy you got staff sergeant. You were also another person who was a joy to talk to and showed amazing kindness throughout our adventures when we were on cop. I wish you the best!

@AwesomeGamersHQ – Amazing police supervisor, funny and very respectful. The times when you, me and collier were on late at night fighting crime were honestly one of the best times I have had on perp, and I am very grateful for the support you have given me in the PLPD.

@jannikk – One of the best pd players I have ever played with, I wish you the best in your next TFU application and I hope you pass it! Thank you for always being there when I was on cop!

@phoondos – Young perphead prodigy who is another cracked aimer. I enjoyed every bit of criminal RP we did and just loved hanging around with you.

@MalekIsWeird – Another enthusiastic editor and I wish to see more videos from you. I appreciate the kind support that you showed me during my edits!

And my biggest thank you:

@Collier – You are one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. You are the reason why I have met more than half of the people on this list and again, I can’t thank you enough. The amount of kindness you showed me when I joined back is honestly indescribable, and I will never stop thanking you for it. You picked me up at my lowest point, and I owe you everything for it, I do.

And thank you, the community. I’m so sorry if I have missed people out as I can’t include all of you on the list, but there are just so many people that I enjoyed playing with. I wish you guys and the community the best and I am so glad that I came back. This has been one of the most memorable 3 months of my life and I hope that my contribution to the community was valuable.
I have seeked help, hasn't changed me a bit... Glhf with your sweaty career as I shall remain on perp powergrowing various items until your return
Can’t believe I’m only seeing this now I never got the notification. I was just watching the sweater defence force video and seen that you had no yellow name...
Sad to see you go man but much love I wish you the best of luck in the future, you’re one of the best Perpheads has ever seen. Peace out man.
@Dave – Thank you for showing me the way to play perp like a sweaty criminal. All jokes aside, you are one of the hardest working and most dedicated staff member I know, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I see administrator Dave next year.
3 Months ago, I started playing Perpheads again after a long hiatus, and it was only supposed to be a little nostalgia hit… but then I got hooked. I started making videos on the forums and people reacted to it positively. I then decided to apply for helper and got senior helper 30 days later! I also recently won the best helper award voted by you guys, which was AWESOME! I never felt so welcomed in my life.

The staff team, the community managers and the community itself made me feel like I was a part of something big, and I will never forget that. Which is why it sucks for me to say that I will be resigning and leaving the community. This wasn’t an easy or instant decision and I have been planning this for a month now.

The reason why I am leaving is that I want to focus on what I am passionate about, and that is to finish my university med degree whilst attempting to pursue my dream to go professional in Valorant and become a full-time content creator (which sounds fucking cringe to some but has been my goal for a long time). I can’t attempt to do that whilst playing perp as actively as I have been, and perp has been mainly a distraction to my future goals, which is why I have decided to leave.

I will be on from time to time, you might see me on cop for a little bit, or I might hop on for the odd raid. You might also see me randomly pop up on the forums and you will 100% see me try V6 when it's live. I still will be helping out BTS with other players on Perp for things like video editing and graphic design work, but as of right now, I am going to resign from my role as senior helper and will not be playing Perp.

And like all goodbyes I would like to say a personal thank you to the following people:

@Dave – Thank you for showing me the way to play perp like a sweaty criminal. All jokes aside, you are one of the hardest working and most dedicated staff member I know, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I see administrator Dave next year. You made me reconsider what makes a good player, showing that it’s not all just aim. You also made me feel very welcomed in office gang when collier invited me to that custom game, and that I will never forget.

@dog – Congratulations on getting builder of the Year. You legit never fail to make me laugh with your goofy contraptions and even funnier quotes and your character is always fun to be around. You generally are a great person to be around, and I am grateful that I met you.

@Ellie – Thank you for always sticking up for me at times when I had no power and showing me the way to be a better staff member when I was in doubt. You have shown me a lot of kindness and respect and that has not gone unnoticed, I appreciate it.

@steelo – Hilarious human being to be around and very kind. I loved every RP situation that you were involved in with me, and I especially am grateful for when you stood up for my sweater friend who was being bullied by other players.

@Bnje – When we did have conversations, it was always fun to talk to you. Your passion for the server is honestly amazing and I wish I was as enthusiastic as you when it comes to innovations and ideas (as much as your suggestions are memes to other people, I honestly do appreciate them). I wish you the best.

@Pugga – Always fun to be against when I’m a cop, you are cracked out of your mind with your aim and fun to play with when I’m on crim.

@FatGeorge / @rxsm – I consider you two as the same person, both cracked at aiming, both fucking hilarious and most importantly, both amazing at making edits for perp. I hope you guys carry on making amazing high-quality content, I will miss playing with/against you on perp.

@Acerius – With the interactions we do have, you are always nice to talk to and I generally have a lot of respect for what you for perp. You also are amazing at graphic design! I will continue to eat my cans of sardines tho.

@flugs – Humble, respectful and very dedicated to his work. You are like a role model staff member. I appreciate your efforts in persuading me to apply for enforcer and I am very grateful to have the privilege to talk to you. I wish you the best in both PLPD and Staff as I’m sure you will progress!

@Erwin – Another office gang legend and an amazing friend. Always fun to have conversations with (when you are not moaning down the mic) and surprisingly a very funny guy. You, alongside Dave, Collier, Flugs and Ellie showed me the ways to become a better helper and understand the rules fully, which I am again, very grateful for. I wish you the best in perp and most importantly I wish you the best in your education! Thank you for giving me a chance and dealing with the person that I am, you made me feel welcomed and a part of the office gang.

@Franko / @Backe – The two Swedish meatballs. Backe is the most dedicated perp player I have ever met; however, you do need to seek help bro, you legit make an ungodly number of items. Franko is also another amazing person to play with/against when I am on cop/crim.

@Nate – Haven’t talked to you much as of recently, but when you were on, you were cracked out of your mind 0_0. You always showed me support during my forum posts, and you are always just fun to be around. So glad that you are no longer a hard-stuck enforcer.

@Sindarin – Insane SCP player but also another person who just brings joy to the perpheads. I can't wait to see the new PLPD website when it’s done and I know you are going to contribute significantly to its success! Thank you for also being extremely kind to me when we first played, that again has not been unnoticed.

@Dom_ - Congratulations on winning the Best Aim award and even bigger congrats for finally getting Enforcer. You honestly deserve both titles and without sounding cringe (because I know you would find it cringe), I respect you as a person. You are awesome to play with on any game, whether it's Perp, CS2 or Lethal Company and you are just honestly a nice person to play with. Thank you for the kindness that you have shown me :).

@Clarky – Another amazing role player and person to play with. I’ll never forget when you Collier Murtsley and I were driving around on that dumpster truck as lawyers at 4 am in GTA RP. I am so happy you got Enforcer and I wish you the best in your staff journey.

@Tyla Jai and @Efan – For giving me the helper role again and for promoting me to senior 1 month in. You guys again made me feel welcome, and the fact that you appreciated my work ethic as a helper means a lot to me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity again.

@sidd – You know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. You are an amazing human being and I owe you a lot. You are so fun to play with and to talk to and you never fail to make me laugh. Again, I can’t thank you enough for the kindness you have shown me, it's honestly indescribable and I’m truly grateful.

@Murtsley / @Pusheen / @Jack / @Dank – Office gang people who are somewhat active on perp. You guys are truly amazing people. I am so happy to have met you guys and loved every single second we spent playing games. You guys are amazing, and I will never forget the kindness you guys have shown me

@Super_ – Another amazing person that I am glad I played with and always fun to talk to. I wish you the best!

@Maia – So happy you got developer, and it sucks that I won’t be able to see the amazing work you are going to be creating for the server. Keep up the good work!

@ALOO89 – Always a “blast” to be around. I will miss killing you as a cop main and also miss getting blown into pieces by your nades.

@Adrienne Kali – Happy you got staff sergeant. You were also another person who was a joy to talk to and showed amazing kindness throughout our adventures when we were on cop. I wish you the best!

@AwesomeGamersHQ – Amazing police supervisor, funny and very respectful. The times when you, me and collier were on late at night fighting crime were honestly one of the best times I have had on perp, and I am very grateful for the support you have given me in the PLPD.

@jannikk – One of the best pd players I have ever played with, I wish you the best in your next TFU application and I hope you pass it! Thank you for always being there when I was on cop!

@phoondos – Young perphead prodigy who is another cracked aimer. I enjoyed every bit of criminal RP we did and just loved hanging around with you.

@MalekIsWeird – Another enthusiastic editor and I wish to see more videos from you. I appreciate the kind support that you showed me during my edits!

And my biggest thank you:

@Collier – You are one of the nicest people I have ever met in my life. You are the reason why I have met more than half of the people on this list and again, I can’t thank you enough. The amount of kindness you showed me when I joined back is honestly indescribable, and I will never stop thanking you for it. You picked me up at my lowest point, and I owe you everything for it, I do.

And thank you, the community. I’m so sorry if I have missed people out as I can’t include all of you on the list, but there are just so many people that I enjoyed playing with. I wish you guys and the community the best and I am so glad that I came back. This has been one of the most memorable 3 months of my life and I hope that my contribution to the community was valuable.
Goodbye furry will still look att your furry streams