Thanks for the great time.

Reaction score
my bed
Due to a lack of time and being unable to play perp and also because of losing interest, I have decided to take a step away from perp. I am not going to go in full detail as of why I'm leaving as it's mostly irl problems which I'd like to keep private. No, I am not giving away my stuff because I might come back some time and as I will still be around every now and then if theres a new update or an event as example. Anyways, I've been in this community for just 2 years now and I must say that it was a really nice run, thanks to everyone for making it really nice and fun and also to the people who have helped me through harder times.

@Hondje! we have made alot of fun and it were amazing times, thanks for everything and I hope I'll be able to come back soon enough.
@TheRealPleaseDiePie same as for hondjo, great times <3
@"Ish" my G
@Sorle no vegetables times will still be remembered
@Fielding great pd times, thanks
@✿ Squeeker Melon ✿ also part of no vegetables <3
@McGlinchy we lost our snap streak :'(
@Gimic fellow runescape player xd
@Kenty yes
@Thomas Fredrick good times working in academy and thanks for helping me through my career in the pd
@JayW shut up :)
@Tunnels academy was great
@FatGeorge you noob
@Allen Kennedy erp
@Skudist great mod and best bazaar security
@Illuminathan cool sister
@Kraken and you thought i returned :( rip
@Nessy good memes with @Hondje!
@Strobez lvl 99 hacking
@Luk my boi
idk any more but I'd also like to thank the people who aren't tagged or who I forgot to tag.

I might come back later, maybe not, we'll see. I'll still be around on the forums tho.
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No one will ever destroy my ears as much as you.

Cya in 2 weeks trap <4
All the best mate on what you are going to do. You'll be missed by all of us <3

Have fun mate!
Cya man, no tag for the person who introduced you LuL. gl further.
Much love bro <333 unlike McGlinchy our streaks will rise to 1k xd