The Adheriall Family

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"The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved."
-Samuel Smiles


Outnumbered, outmatched, betrayed and disrespected by just about every powerful group and organization that we currently are aware of, I wondered the streets alone and cold for days on end after witnessing some things I never thought I would have to bear witness to in my life, and sometimes enduring it. I have seen innocent men and women pass and be miss-treated by the leading powers of the city over and over again up until the point where it has once happened to me. Back-stabbed and betrayed, I was lead somewhere, a cold and dark place where I was taken hostage and eventually "executed", but my powers far outweigh those of my opponents. I rise above myself and the base instincts of the majority of the people around the world and take the decision to move on with my life and count the past as part of my experience in order to lead and motivate others to do the right thing.

It was a late night where I thought to myself, after being miss-treated and betrayed far too many times in my life and still coming out positively and trying to do the right thing, who better than me to create an organization based around my past experiences and trying to motivate others to follow my lead and to not do things they will regret in the future. If I was to go back to those who miss-treated me in anger and full of revenge, what I would have done to them would most likely be what they had done to me, but by doing that, it makes me no better than they are. I want to be seen as more mighty than those who have inflicted harm amongst myself and other innocent men and women. Thus, the Adheriall Family is being born and brought into light. The name Adheriall has originated from the word 'Adherence', meaning "sticking to" or "being faithful to" which is what I want this organization and it's members to be to themselves and others around the city.

Your appearance matters, it is what makes you representative of the family. Although it is not required or necessary, we do have a certain apparel which we try to follow. Note that your chances of being accepted into the family nor does the respect we have for you change based upon whether or not you decide to follow our apparel. You do not need to change if you do not want to.

Our apparel is centered around two specific colors, these are very dark green and very dark red, for example:




Good quality, I know.
Anything along these lines, whether it be a full suit or a tracksuit, these colors are preferred however not necessary or required. Note that the accessories are also not required. If you prefer, you can wear either full red or full green if you do not like to mix colors in this way.

As a family, we use all sorts of different equipment, ranging from beretta's to car bombs and grenades. Although we do have certain weapons which we use more often than others, these are:

Various Pistols

Car Bomb
Again, you do not need to use these weapons and other equipment, these are simply proffered by members of the family.

This is the ranking order/ladder which the family follows.

Dignitary -
Leader of the organization, the one who makes the very final decisions concerning the family itself. It is this man's job to oversee the family and to ensure that it is running as it should.

Herald -
Second to the Dignitary, those who obtain this rank are most trusted by the family and by the Dignitary. When the Dignitary is not in the city, the Herald is in-charge to ensure the job of the Dignitary is completed. It is also the Herald's job to ensure the delegate's recruited are able and fit to be in the family. The Herald is also able to recruit new delegate's.

Custodian -
Those who obtain this rank are more trusted within the family. It is primarily their job to lead battles and raids with the family and ensure that those who are recruited are known of the rules and guidelines of the family. The Custodian cannot recruit new delegate's however can recommend them.

Delegate -
Those who obtain this rank are members of the family who's applications and interview's have been accepted. They are members of the family and must follow the family's rules.


The Paralake Partnership - LBA

Most organizations/families currently.

The Nexus

Lewis Love - @Rogue Car Tyres

with The Nexus.

Every Member must be dedicated and stick to these rules at all times, not doing so will result in their removal from the organization or be put on the path of least resistance. We understand that these rules are very strict and will restrict the amount of things you can do as a "criminal", but these are the rules we follow, we will not act and be known as 'one of those organizations'.
  • All members of the Adheriall Family must be loyal, honest and respect each other at all times.
  • Mug or miss-treating other people/members of the public will not be tolerated unless granted permission or for good reasoning.
  • When taken by the police during arrests, members are not allowed to speak of or know of the Adheriall Family (privatize all Adheriall Family information from government officials).
  • When taken hostage by other organizations, members SHOULD alert the family of this and the hostage takers will be dealt with accordingly.
  • Stealing from other members of the Adheriall Family will NEVER be permitted, members will end up being dealt with 'accordingly' for this.
  • Members who wish to leave the organization must speak to the father of the organization before leaving.
  • More may be added in the future.
This is the list of our current official members of the organization:


Zack Adheriall (@Zan116)

David Peach (@GamingPeach) & Jack Adheriall (@ZippyJack)

Charles Fox (@Krzeszny) & Aaron Martin (@Panda)

Philip Johnstone, Stevo Adheriall (@[PH] Cobra), Misha Gopachev (@xxx_Rommel_McDonald_xxx), Tommy Harper (@wonderley195), Arron Cursed (@arron/faith) & Yusif Takbir (@Torvald)​

I am hoping for little hate on this thread this time around. I have changed a lot of things with this organization and I am hoping for the best. (Hopefully) Long live the Adheriall Family.
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I want in!

-Sebastian Falcone

--Denying acceptance to this org due to me already having a pending application--
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Greetings!, from The Belinsky Family.

I'm glad to see you've founded this Mr Adheriall, I'm sure you'll make a great leader.

Through my own knowledge of yourself, and what you stated in your post, its quite clear you're prepared to overcome the troubles of starting a new organisation. However, let it be known, should you need it the Belinsky Family have your back.

I am also prepared to propose an alliance between our families. I'm sure The Belinsky Family, and the Adheriall Family can achieve great things.
-Update Log Version 1.0-

As our first update, I would like to alert everyone of how far we have came over the last day or two. The Adheriall Family has managed to secure over 7 members in a fairly short amount of time which I think is unbelievably incredible and I would like to thank all of those who have replied with positivity and who have joined our family, this family would not survive without you all.

Family updates -

The Adheriall Family has swiftly managed to secure a position in the LBA - The Legitimate Business Association which is a huge honor, which in turn leads us to becoming allies with The Paralake Partnership and The Belinsky Family, two great organizations and families in the city, we are proud to be among them.

With the joining of the Legitimate Business Association, this also results all members of the family becoming LBA Members and myself being promoted to a Chairman which is greatly appreciated. We thank the other LBA Chairmen for accepting us.

From joining the Legitimate Business Association, we also inherit the enemies which they have which means that we are now at war with The Nexus. With the power of our allies and our combined effort to help, I am sure this war will not last for long as their leader has already fallen.

Thankyou for all the support so far, keep it up.


After the recent passing of one of our friends, a member of the Paralake Partnership is no longer with us, he is in a better place. It is a loss which everyone should be mournful of but should not cloud our judgement and actions, as he will be dead in vein if we do not finish what we, the Paralake Partnership, the Belinsky Family, the Adheriall Family - the entire Legitimate Business Association has promised - peace and freedom amongst all organizations and the overall co-operation between us, for us to live amongst one another without hate or fear in our hearts.

Eddie Grey has recently announced the following:
"Aidan Dunham has been found dead on May 28th, At 05:37am on the Paralake Beach. The obituary has shown that he has drowned, as he did not know how to swim. His car was found parked at the side of the road, near the Paralake bridge. No signs of Murder has been proved and so it was assumed as an Accident or possibly a Suicide... A Funeral shall be held over the Weekend, 6th and or 7th of June in the Paralake Church.
It is times like this in which I believe the family values of our partnering organizations are highlighted the most."

As of Mr. Belinsky's request, I here-by order all available Adheriall Family members to attend to the funeral of this lost soul on Saturday 6th June 2015. Those who do not attend must come to me beforehand with a valid explanation as this is an important time for the Legitimate Business Association our collective family, for you to not attend would mean that you have no respect for family values and will be looked down upon by all organizations within.

Special thanks to Mr.Belinsky (@EVIL) for the idea of this post.

Due to his acts against several members of the Legitimate Business Association including theft, armed assault other forms of firearm related violence, member William Snow has been removed from the family's list of members and from the Legitimate Business Associations' list of members. Further details will be posted on the Legitimate Business Association's forum page soon by Mr Newman.

After gathering a loyal following from which these members did not need to apply, they (mostly) were good friends and therefore deserved to be recruited into the family without needing to prove themselves to me. Now that I have an official set of representative members, the Adheriall Family has grown significantly and is now reviewing and judging applications.

Although the family is rather new and does not have as many members as other families do in the city, I feel like it is beneficial that we keep our numbers low and loyalty high as I believe strengthening our current members is much more required and beneficial than recruiting many , therefore I will only be accepting up to 12 members in the Adheriall Family - there are currently 7 members who have already taken up these positions (who can be found in the main thread).

If you would like to become a trusted member of the Adheriall family, who will not betray us in anyway, shape or form, feel free to apply using the correct format and with detail.


Firstly, I would like to say that the Adheriall Family has firmly reached 10 members which can all be found above, in very short time - much under 4 days time and we continue to grow, thankyou and congratulations to all members of the family.

On the topic of members, I have decided to promote some members of the family. Thanks to his dedication and commitment to the family in such short time, Charles Fox has been promoted to the position of Custodian. Similarly, Jack Adheriall has improved drastically in recent times and has become better known within the underworld. He has too shown his dedication and loyalty to the family and has been promoted to the position of Herald alongside David Peach. Congratulations to both members.

Lastly, I am glad to announce that the funeral for our lost friend - Aidan Dunham went very smoothly and efficiently thanks to the members who attended and to representatives such as Eddie Grey, Fredy Newman and Paul Matthews. Our members acted sensibly, respectfullu and accordingly which is pleasant to see.
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Greetings, Paul Here.

I see this Organisation is really well made and is growing day by day. Good luck and I hope you can become bigger.
-Notice & Announcement-

In recent times, it has became apparent that many members of the community have become hateful towards certain organizations (The Belinsky Family) for their new policy to which members of the organization should not become law-enforcement-officers. Although I do see their reasons for adding this policy as-well as the arguments against it, the Adheriall family will not be following this policy as many has asked.

On a positive note, the Adheriall family has now reached it's maximum amount of members at 12 which can all be found above. My reasons for doing so have already been explained in an earlier post - "I feel like it is beneficial that we keep our numbers low and loyalty high as I believe strengthening our current members is much more required and beneficial than recruiting many". On the other hand, there may be exceptions to this set limit if family feel it necessary.
-Notice & Announcement-

Following my previous announcement, we disagree with the Belinsky Family policy of members being unable to become law-enforcement-officers. The Belinsky Family has been removed from the LBA which in turn has lead them to no longer be our allies. They will not drag us into unnecessary attention or trouble with other organizations.

From here on, the Adheriall family will no longer support the Belinsky family however will remain a part of the LBA alongside the Paralake Partnership.
-News & Announcement-

The Adheriall Family has been MARKED as disbanded however has not been broken apart very much. In recent, the Adheriall Family has lost quite a few members and looks quite damaged and because of this, I have decided to send our members in a single direction, towards the LBA and the Paralake Partnership. Another reason for the disbanding is because of my issues, I am not a natural born leader, I never learned the skills to lead a group of people and I feel like my recent leading style has not been very beneficial to the organization, they deserve a better leader, a good leader and that is not me.

As the Adheriall family is being disbanded, my name will be reverting back to Zack Robberts and other members are free to choose their paths.

Thankyou for the experience but it was too much for me to handle, I hope you can all understand.
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