The hitreg heff to be fixed

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Who agrees that this kind of bullsh**!!! has to be ended!

The server's hitreg reminds me of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's because it's so bad.
your aim is awful and it looks like your firearms level is low.

ur just mad cuz bad

does nobody understand the joke stop dumbing me rrreeeee
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your aim is awful and it looks like your firearms level is low.

ur just mad cuz bad
Sorry, but that wasn't marksmanship that was a clear first shot on the head, and first shots are 99% of the time accurate if you can aim, and that wasn't cody's aim being bad so please make your facts right before you speak.
That's bullshit. If i we're you i had wished that the other guy's head was mine. Oh wait..
he was only having a meme you didnt have to shoot him :(
It's just the game not specifically the sever, you do realise how old everything is on Garry's Mod right?

i agree it's still shit though
To be fair shooting some one from long range is pritty hard. So you could call it realistic I guess. And you also have the option to train you're makman ship.
> Gets Killed by the Wyldemann
> Blames hitboxes

Not the hitboxes fault because you did hit me, I just didnt bleed for some reason. EDIT: Reviewed it clearly, I was bleeding and on Badly injured. First shot hit the shoulder, Second missed.

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Tbf thats just and excuse ... maybe if you didnt take 94 years to aim you might have stood a better chance, because of that you had to panic spray.