The state of the server in the last few days...

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Amid all the “perp is dying” threads, seems like people stopped taking perp seriously, the bazaar became a giant fest, and it’s awesome! The server feels like back in 2015. People stopped camping inside regals or projex 24/7 and actually got out to have fun! This is what perp is supposed to be, a game mode where you relax and have fun. I don’t know if it’s temporary or not, but I sure hope it isn’t.
Bazaar turned into a fuckfest because I was spamming despacito down my mic every time someone died lul.
it's not cus all the autistic people left bazaar for 1 second and that it was actually good for a time that the server is instantly great again
Remove most of the bollards that block vehicles from escaping, revert to sometime in v2, but keep flat road at harbour lane, keep morons, projex and delivery.
So in this case just move/remove the bollards at PD, Market, Bazaar, Bazaar gas station, City gas station, Suburbs monorail, McUwes, Puffer mart, , Park and Glass. Co.

Staff should become more lenient when giving punishments like back in 2014-15 (although change has been noticed, there aren't nearly as many permabans or month bans for dumb stuff as before)
Oh, and subs should become the old subs or something, the colorful houses'n shit.
Office is a controversial one, V4 office has its pros and cons, so does V2 office. Both are preferable.
Car garage could lose a couple of floors, honestly isn't needed.
Casino was really cool when it came out, but it died quickly. Slot machines anyone? I'm thinking gambling like in tower unite.
That's all I can think of rn.