Theme park experiences that stuck in your mind.

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Now, we all love going to theme parks, be it with our mates, or with family, hell, maybe on your own if you're a bit of a weirdo, but everyone I've met has an interesting story about something that happened to them or something they saw at a themepark thats always stuck with them.

I'll start with a few of mine:

Disneyland Paris: Rockin' Roller coaster
Rockin roller coaster is an indoor roller coaster located both at disneyland in paris and walt disney world florida. It is a roller coaster themed around the band aerosmith.
This one's not very interesting, but on the "launch" sequence, I somehow managed to do something stupid.
The best video I could find was the Florida version, which I have been on and they're virtually the same ride.
The ride attendant told us to push up on our safety bars before the countdown, which I didn't do til the countdown actually started. When I did push up on it, I heard a loud click and found out that I had unlatched my safety bar somehow and it had locked about 4 sizes too big for me. Luckily the ride had some weird safety feature that prevented the ride from starting whilst my safety bar was unlatched. Was pretty fucking funny tbh, the music started without the ride even moving and staff had to make sure I'd relocked my safety bar and override the rides failsafe for it to begin.

"Flamingo land: Hero"
We went to flamingo land twice with my high school when we went on a week long end of year "Holiday" trip to scarborough. On thursday of both trips we went to flamingo land, which is basically a slightly less expensive version of Chessington world of adventure with better rides. Now, I went on this one twice, and on both occasions, I only managed to injure myself.

Not my video, but it shows the premise of the ride, also, if you read the comments, you'll get to the point of the story a lot quicker.

On both occasions it fucking REEKED. Staff need to fucking clean this thing hourly it seems because its gross as fuck. The second time I went on this, I came off with fairly moderate bruising to the shoulders and chest, and I don't bruise easily. The first time I went off this, at the end of the ride I fell flat out when the safety thing opened up because you come off a shaky as fuck roller coaster where you're lying on your chest the whole ride and are expected to get out of a moving object best described as a fucking bear trap. The actual ride itself is pretty fucking fun though but if you find yourself at flamingo land be warned that this thing is basically BDSM, the ride. Probs why I enjoyed it ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Disneyland California: Leprosy shirt
Now, This one could come as no surprise to some people. I wore a T shirt in disneyland california that depicted the album cover of one of Florida's most famous heavy metal acts "Death". This stories not very interesting but at the entrance of Disneylands "California adventure" park, I was told by security to cover up my shirt with my arms and go to the customer helpdesk and ask if its "Appropriate" to be worn in a disney park. The helpdesk called a manager down to check if it was "Ok" and he said that it was but I should "try not to draw attention to it" whatever the fuck that meant.

This was the shirt. Its understandable that they had to "check" with staff, but the whole experience made me not wear this shirt to Disneyland California again. When I went to Eurodisney last summer I wore this without any issues however.

I have more stories I'll share at a later date but I want to hear some of yours!

First time at a theme park during a class trip, I proceed to go to Van Helsing with my friends at Movie Park. Not interesting but still got something to share

It all started nice with some turns here and there but it all went to shit when it made a sudden drop and sudden quick turns were also mixed in. It snapped a photo of us looking fucking startled to shit. We were like 15 or 16 when we went there, happy class trip that turned into a hell trip.

I didn't get any sickness but I think it got my 2 other mates good, we just arrived at the park and they already wanted to go home kek.

Not much to say really. There were some other attractions like the 50 or 100 meter free fall tower but miss me with that shit, I aint going there.
I went to a park where the rollercoaster was down for maintenance. It opened after an hour, I went on it and when we walked past it an hour later, it was closed due to a breakdown again.

Barely dodged that bullet.
Pretty much grew up there, my parents had a subcription to the park and we went there very often, got one now aswell still going a lot
Dude once when I was at disneyworld florida splash mountain and thunder mountain broke down with like 60 people on both rides in total and hearing the intercom shout "REMAIN SEATED, STOP TRYING TO LEAVE, THE RIDE MIGHT RESTART AT ANY MOMENT AND IT COULD BE DANGEROUS" made me feel glad we werent on it. Poor cunts were stuck on it for 3 hours
I predicted you'd say something like that when I posted this tbh.
It's better than this one, on it's first run, it got stuck at the very top for 4 hours. Imagine sitting 80 meters up in the air for 4 hours in those small ass chains.
@KeiwaM I've been on some of englands biggest thrill rides, but those chain swings I just cant handle because the sensory experience and I have aspergers and shit like swinging on chains fucks me up.
i was in hong kong, i was only 4 years old and we wanted to ride the buzzlightyear ride with space stuff.

I cried through the whole thing because it was very dark and scary
@Saint Wylde This is the ONE ride that I will NEVER go on either. I can go on Drop towers, pendulum rides and rollercoasters, but that thing terrifies me.
The shooting gallery thing thats at every disney park? Dude when I was 4 my dad told me that if someone shot me with one of the lasers my eyes would fall out and I hid the entire ride.

Even at the age of 19, when I went to paris I loved that ride tho, its like fucking driveby gang.
Disneyland Paris Hyperspace Mountain

Its purely a rollercoaster to make you dizzy, its a dark ride with three loopings and sharp turns. I never went in it again, I got a headache from it.
