this fucking cat

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Litteraly every fucking day when i get home and park my moped, this meowy motherfucker comes to me, follows me home to my house and just comes inside. I think it's my neighbours cat because he always meows in the shared entrance. but i just cannot get rid of him. I already own two cats at my moms place, what do???
like i genuinely have no clue, he walks in like he fukn owns the place
Depends, did you give it food when ever it walked it and ranted about like a bitch like it needs food? If so then you're kinda fucked as they get used to it and keep coming back, your best bet would be to ignore it. If it's your neighbours then try asking around if they have one, cute cat though. - no warn I love cats so much (I got 7 lol)

Like Creepis said, it probably keeps coming back because you fed it once or twice if I were you I'd just give it food scraps and maybe notify ur neighbors lol
Litteraly every fucking day when i get home and park my moped, this meowy motherfucker comes to me, follows me home to my house and just comes inside. I think it's my neighbours cat because he always meows in the shared entrance. but i just cannot get rid of him. I already own two cats at my moms place, what do???
like i genuinely have no clue, he walks in like he fukn owns the place
you should ask your neighbour to see if the cat is actually theirs, if not then you can take it in if you want but you need to worm it and take it to the vets to stop it from reproducing. Other than that, just don't let it into your house because your other cats will feel scared and it may have fleas
Depends, did you give it food when ever it walked it and ranted about like a bitch like it needs food? If so then you're kinda fucked as they get used to it and keep coming back, your best bet would be to ignore it. If it's your neighbours then try asking around if they have one, cute cat though.
i never gave him food until he came in my house, this is the 3rd time he did it. I tried giving him some ham once but he didn't want it. he's just extremely cuddly since the day i first saw him lol. He's just always outside my house

you should ask your neighbour to see if the cat is actually theirs, if not then you can take it in if you want but you need to worm it and take it to the vets to stop it from reproducing. Other than that, just don't let it into your house because your other cats will feel scared and it may have fleas
my own cats are at my moms house, this cat is at my dad's place so that's not an issue.

He really comes over as a domesticated cat, he looks healthy and not underfed, and i didn't see flees on him. our landlord doesn't allow pets but if he doesn't belong to someone i might take some care for him and make him a lil place outside

What moped do you have
i recently got a yamaha TZR 50. according to dutch law its a moped because its a 50cc, goes like 70kmh right now

had to blur otherwise people will kill me
Litteraly every fucking day when i get home and park my moped, this meowy motherfucker comes to me, follows me home to my house and just comes inside. I think it's my neighbours cat because he always meows in the shared entrance. but i just cannot get rid of him. I already own two cats at my moms place, what do???
like i genuinely have no clue, he walks in like he fukn owns the place
Give him to max

Came home today, parked my tzr and he fucking ran upto me. he followed me inside my house, hung around for 10 minutes demanding cuddles and i then sorta forced him out. I decided to call him frank for now and frank is NOT happy with his eviction...

To be continued...

oh yeah im 99% sure it's my neighbours cat, he's castrated n all that shit