To all police...

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To all police...

For a long time now it has been said that those who RP as criminals don't allow the police to RP. I, and many others have been placed into admin situations over this.

The main argument is that organisations shoot police as soon as they enter the base, not allowing them to 'give out a ticket'. In reality however, the police find the most abstract reasons to enter bases simply so they can end up raiding. Although the police shouldn't presume that illegal activities are going on behind closed doors, they do - And so attempt to find a reason, no matter how far-fetched to try and raid (Basically meta-gaming). The thing is, I know this happens, as does everyone who RP's as a criminal. Therefore to avoid this happening we practically kill on sight. If a cop is to enter our complex or start asking questions we kill them. We do this to protect ourselves because if we don't stop them talking they'll end up raiding. A good example of this was yesterday when a cop entered the Glass Co-Parker complex as someone needed a ticket... The officer suddenly began stating he needed to "Search the building for the suspect", we replied saying we'd just bring him out, the officer denied this and once again states he had to search the building. The cop then stated down the radio "If you don't hear from me in the next minute, send all units to Parker". He once again told us he needed to search the building, we shot him. He then claimed it was RDM, not only did AyJay and I have to spend quite some time in an admin sit, but there was also a large raid on our base. This happens everyday, and it seems the organisations are always getting the blame.

The Police also don't seem to like the idea of NLR. They seem to believe that if they die, but see a call for help over the radio when they respawn they are allowed to bypass the NLR rule and return to the raid. Today, Crescendo were basing in the office. For legitimate reasons the police conducted a raid, a few officers survived however most of them were killed. In this situation the officers that survived could simply leave, tell the officers who died about the situation and when their NLR ran out, they could try again. However, the officers that survived continued to fight whilst calling for help. Some officers that had just died were returning to help with the raid. In the end Crescendo were overcome and defeated.

To but all of this simply: If the police wish to stop being executed as soon as they step on a base, then ensure the reasons for raiding are actually substantial. Don't enter a base claiming you need to search the building as someone was speeding and needs a ticket...

Also, just to make it clear I'm not faulting the administration system here. There is no way an admin, or even a group of admins could inspect the entire PD making sure they have valid reasons.
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This is 100% true. Today there was a raid and the swat dragged a body out while the raid was in progress. One of our members had a sniper in city garage, since the swat was in sight he shot him. Then the swat on OOC started saying that was RDM, and made a report. Not only that, but the cops came back when they respawned. Also one of the cops came back and randomly pressed hes panic button, so the others responded and came back.
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Salzburg, Austria
Also, just to make it clear I'm not faulting the administration system here. There is no way an admin, or even a group of admins could inspect the entire PD making sure they have valid reasons.
Always when I see somebody is getting raided, i am spectating and investigating the reason fo the raid. Due to that I once stopped a raid against a Crescendo base were the LT implied Fireman and Secret Service as Spys to get a reason to raid. The raid was thankfully stopped before the warrant was issued and the LT recieved a warning and a blacklist but as you said, I can't spectate every raid.
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Police need to realise; raiding is putting your whole force in extreme danger and circumstances. Raiding should not be so openly seen as an option. Secondly, cops note you need to wait five minutes before coming back.
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London, United Kingdom.
Nope, the office raid wasn't legitimate, just the fact that the Lt. couldn't listen as I told him that I was wanted as a result of sniping a SWAT officer in a raid earlier that day, which I died in. NLR would have just rattified that raid.
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Now, I'll be the first to admit that I have tried to raid a base illegitimately, but what you are saying is admitting you break rules. You shoot cops who walk in the door because you think they will try raid? Two wrongs don't make a right. You can't say for sure they will try raid, maybe they want to ask if you've seen someone. Shooting a cop when he enters will likely get you raided if a bystander sees him die and calls 911 or he has a life alert. Don't justify your wrongs with others.
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Behind you
Alfa, as you just stated yourself you have raided bases illegitimately. Also, if you read what I put correctly I stated we shoot cops when they begin asking questions demanding to search the property (See 'Example') we don't just one bang them as soon as they take a step on our property - If we don't let them search the property they call backup because we are being 'suspicious' and so we are warranted and raided.
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I completely agree with this statement.

Also, stop SWAT being so roood with their weapons against screaming unarmed children.
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I can't comment on the raid that got you so riled up, but I know at least from times I watch someone fleeing police in a vehicle for little to no reason, only to end up at an organizations base of operations. When police manage to track them to that location, they are typically very resisting of coming out and giving themselves over to police custody. Also if police ask for the individual, the group will always say no, even if the person was witnessed entering the building. So I would say if people would actually not try to hole up and have their organization try to hide them away it may help situations as well. It'd be fine if there were no witnesses and the person didn't park their vehicle out front, but when it is clearly a lie to police it doesn't help the organizations chance of not having police coming in.

That said, I will say police generally do try to resort to gun fights quite frequently and do so irresponsibly, partially I'm sure because they have no real drawback from this. One thing that may help is if paychecks stack up in the bank, and require being claimed. On respawn or rejoining it would forfeit all the ones that accumulated, so if police act carelessly and die as a result it would result in loss of those paydays. To civilians this wouldn't add up to much as unemployment checks are fairly low value, but higher paying jobs this would effect greatly. So if people like that idea, someone should polish it more than my simple thought and post it in suggestions.

Anyways, my point is basically, when you know you have a criminal in your midst and are trying to avoid any hassle from the police, your best bet is to be honest and have the person deal with the cops. I do agree that police should not always presume all occupants are doing illegal acts behind closed doors without any proof. But along those lines, trying to gain that evidence is nearly impossible without line of sight which some buildings, such as office, is not really possible and would be far too easy to sit in all day and grow incessantly. Which is why I would rather repurpose business buildings and not allow illegal activities in them. Instead they would add bonuses of sorts, how exactly, not sure yet but as they are places of legitimate "business" that's what they should be, not illegal safehouses. But also there do need to be some legal activities which are semi profitable and doable within a property so it helps void the probability of always drugs in a house, however these wouldn't make nearly the same amount for obvious reasons. There's more I'd like to say about this, but good enough for now.


  • Criminals should have individuals in their organization be more responsible for their personal actions outside the base.
  • Don't always constantly lie to police, be honest sometimes.
  • Police should use more caution about raiding as it could result in their injury or death.
  • When you enter a building forcefully, you don't need to shoot every person, but first announce your presence and that they need to get down. If they are aimed at you actively, or turn to shoot, then you have a right to fire, if they are faced away without having shot, it isn't acceptable to shoot in the back of the head.