training area for swat/officers

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Topic: swat and cops

Short explanation (in notes):
-add training area for swat/cops
-adds to realism
-allows you to always do something

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
swat have a very interesting and fun job but they don't just sit around they are always training so they can be better than the bad guys. what I'm getting at is that i think we should have maybe a small area so they can practice room clearing and shoot as they tend to sit about a lot and in that time they could practice. and to avoid panic by the citizens it could be out of sight and you would here them. it would also add to the realism of the swat job and also the officers could come use it if they want to learn how to do proper tactics when raiding a house or apartment. overall i think it would make both jobs, mainly swat more enjoyable and would make criminals think twice before they do something knowing they are always training

Optional additions:
-different eequipment(like window charges,breaching shotgun,optiwand)
-less lethal weapons and grenades
+Support on this, personally I think farm would be an ideal place maybe if the map was edited so there was walls so instead of farm it would be more of a building, and have the gates that only open for government officials like at the PD. It just adds more realism and also will encourage people to actually go swat because they want to do something rather than just farming money.
I guess it would be a great thing to add;

S.W.A.T team always practices in buildings and obstacles, and they train their tactics and shooting skills there. However officers signing up for a S.W.A.T officer In-game may not have got that much training, if he used to be a cab-driver for 56 years. +Support
Personally i would like this idea, Maybe add some dummys so you can shoot and they'll act like humens, And then you could right click it with your fist to make it standing up again :) I would love it! (If i were active on the server)
Swat officers are trained already, why would the PD ever hire an untrained swat?
An area for SWAT to train would be good, but the less lethal weapons and grenades will be abused, and the equipment you suggested is 100% impossible for the developers to make. If you want the equipment, go figure that yourself.
—Support, Rule 4.5 All swat officers are trained and dont need training. Second of all, where would they train? Civilians will call 911 for shooting. How will the swat be able to respond in time? What will the Swat do when responiding without any ammo after the training?
S.W.A.T Officers train in real life yes. However I remember in Evocity the most SWAT were always training at MTL and sometimes people actually owned it but no one in the SWAT team gave a fuck. And when they were actually called out no swat arrived. Why? Well they were just training
Although I'll admit it would be nice for SWAT to be tactically trained before going into a situation, the reality is we have no place to really do so, and that this would leave them useless if a situation arose during training if it were away from the PD. So my recommendation is that they discuss tactics and what they have found to work best with their colleagues without having to shoot or display their weapons in public view. So this idea is going to be denied for reasons already listed as well as just the fact that we view SWAT as a promotion from your general officer, so the person becoming SWAT should already be well versed in police tactics and laws.
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