Update Log - 02/05/2018

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Just a small update today with a few cool changes

1. Almost completely rewrote the event system

As you can see it is now extremely easy for the senior administration to setup events, and they should be very robust now too. This means we can now have events a lot more often than before.
Furthermore the new system is easy to extend, which means we can add quite a few fun events by writing only a few lines of code. So you'll probably see some new small but cool events soon.

2. The SWAT Van is now destructible
This has been requested for a very long time and finally it has been implemented. While the SWAT van is still significantly stronger than a regular car, it can probably be taken down by an org if they have enough ammo.

3. Sprinting is now predicted properly
This has been a huge problem in the past. Whenever you started sprinting, it would not do anything for a few milliseconds and then teleport you forward. This was due to lag and because the client did not know that it was about to sprint.
This is now fixed and sprinting should be as smooth as running.
3. Sprinting is now predicted properly
This has been a huge problem in the past. Whenever you started sprinting, it would not do anything for a few milliseconds and then teleport you forward. This was due to lag and because the client did not know that it was about to sprint.
This is now fixed and sprinting should be as smooth as running.
oof this was driving me crazy, thank fuck

Let's see how our TFU members will react to their tank being nerfed, this will definitely change the flow of shoot outs in the open with big orgs.
Really the swat van being destructible by normal fire just defeats the purpose of it being armored, it's specificially designed against massive amounts of fire, so that makes it useless against big orgs that tfu would have to deal with
Really the swat van being destructible by normal fire just defeats the purpose of it being armored, it's specificially designed against massive amounts of fire, so that makes it useless against big orgs that tfu would have to deal with
yes lets just instantly complain about something without even giving it a few days to be tested on the server

if it really were to be that bad then it will either get nerfed or reverted, but atleast leave it be for a while... smh
yes lets just instantly complain about something without even giving it a few days to be tested on the server

if it really were to be that bad then it will either get nerfed or reverted, but atleast leave it be for a while... smh
I'm not complaining, I'm just saying my opinion on the matter.
Thanks for balancing the game so you know that 1 TFU on duty during peak time (aka now) is sure to die without any chance whatsoever.

Thanks for balancing the game so you know that 1 TFU on duty during peak time (aka now) is sure to die without any chance whatsoever.

don't get why they made any gun able to disable it, should've been m82/as50 only
Thanks for balancing the game so you know that 1 TFU on duty during peak time (aka now) is sure to die without any chance whatsoever.
Boo Hoo, you cry about us killing you and you were 1 tfu against 8 people. OMG NEW UPDATE IS SO SHIT CIVS ARE TOO STRONG RIGHT NOW. We are not strong you are just not smart enough and you come alone and die alone. So get the fuck outta here with thanks for balancing.
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