Update Log - 07/02/2020

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Samuel just snapped the entire perp community's ankles
Just don't announce release dates unless you are 100% sure the update is ready, if something breaks and you have to delay it people get angry, take a look at Identity, literally kept changing release dates for months for the DEMO because things kept popping up and when it finally came out it was still broken as shit.

  1. not expected or regarded as likely to happen.
    "his death was totally unexpected"
@Panda Don't think you realize PERP cost some players more than GTA V with it's release prize. PERP is definitely not free, seeing how it's kinda mandatory to have the premium thingy to even experience the game properly.
@Panda I don't think you realize that either, that for every time you bought that, someone else paid. Even if you didn't pay for it with real money, it was still real money.
@Tilin Which was the choice of the seller to exchange real money in to perp money. Paying for premium on a gmod server is not the same as pledging on a new game on kickstarter at all. You're not guaranteed to get anything back you're just supporting a server with its fee's and updates.
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