Update Log - 09/03/2019

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United Kingdom
Update Log - 09/03/2019

As some of you have already noticed, an update went live on the server early this morning. This update has mainly been focused on revamping some PLPD features, along with a few minor tweaks here and there. I'm also happy to say that our very own @Bolli has started to develop some of the code and has fixed several bugs in this update.

Here is a brief summary of what has changed:
  • Revamped the Police Armory
  • Added Light TFU Gear
  • Added a weapon locker to the shooting range
  • Added permission for low ranking officers to view the employees tab on the Police Computer
  • Added ability for all officers to remove warrants or remarks that they issued
  • Added badge numbers to the police computer
  • Added the ability to synchronize your plpd.online account from the desk sergeant
  • Added an unmarked police car for Traffic Officers, limited to one at any given time
  • Police Supervisors can now always go on duty when there is no other supervisor
  • The minimum rank for police to confiscate drugs lowered to Corporal
  • All Traffic Officers can now use the Police Broadcast system
  • Replaced broken radio stations
  • All jobs get free fuel
  • Fixed flashlights making shop signs weird
  • Fixed many other bugs, exploits and balance issues
Officers should note that they no longer receive a pistol when going on duty, and should collect one from the armory. Remington shotguns also no longer spawn in trunks, and should be collected from the armory and then stored in trunks according to policy.

The TFU and RTU divisions will be releasing relevant policies very shortly. Please keep an eye out for that.

As always, please continue to report any bugs, and post suggestions on the forums for us to consider.
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Light TFU and the new policies are decent, alongside the new cars. Cheers
Heavy armoured TFU now cant patrol so you will see a lot more light TFU which just has normal officer armour and a selection of UMP45, M16A4 and MP5 and Remington 870 (if cpl) i believe, so now TFU is 1 tapable.
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