Update Log - 10/12/2018

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The water tank and pot thing is probably because they're the parts you dont have to craft, making it so you just gotta go out and rebuy them. Good Idea Imo.
Police are now only allowed to take the pots and water from planter boxes
People barely base:
Let us make basing even less appealing to players by giving it more risks and more money to lose.
Let's gooo yeeet

edit: tilin is dumbo not understand english languge
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They can't nick the whole box anymore, only the pots and water. It's the box itself which is the most expensive and tedious item to craft and can no longer be confiscated
Okay okay I got it. I misread it :/ Stop being mean to me :(((((((
tfw you do a smash and grab at a drug palace and take all their 30 kilo water tanks, lolwut, no. it's a plastic water tank. It's simply not valuable.
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