Update Log - 24/07/2019

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United Kingdom
Update Log - 24/07/2019


An update went live this morning. It mainly contained bug fixes, but it also contained and important piece of code in preparation for something that I have been working on.

Here is the change list
  • Added automatic Job Playtime tracking, meaning that I don't have to spend time running a report for the PLPD
  • Added the Police Handbook to the Police Computer (Note: You need to be on a Chromium enabled branch for this to work)
  • Added plpd.online to the Police Computer, including an automatic login system
  • Added computer desks in the City Hall that allow access to paralake.city, which includes an automatic login system
  • Changed the entire back-end of paralake.city to Python to make it much faster and easier to develop
  • Changed the Dispatch office doors to be slightly harder to break into
  • Fixed radio volume not being updated on existing radios
  • Fixed positions of some fished items on the hook, to discourage them going under the map
  • Fixed slowing down when opening doors
  • Fixed handbrakes being removed when failing to enter unlocked vehicles
  • Fixed a few typos
The following hot-fixes were also put live since the last update log:
  • Fixed guns going into passive when opening doors
  • Fixed bandages duplicating as medic and firefighters
  • Fixed Roadcrew traffic cones not being removed when leaving the job
Now that the in-game connection is built, I will be able to develop features for the Paralake City Council and DMV which can be interacted with in-game, without having to apply many changes to the server code itself. It also opens up the possibility of having other people who don't have access to the server code to develop features. If you have any experience in Python and Django and would like to help out, please send me a forum PM.

Thanks to @Skudist for helping motivate me to begin restarting the council. Thanks to the following people for making bug reports on Github: @Aero, @Saint Wylde, @Puffy Sandvich, @Dom_ and sasr22.
The amount of suggestions and opinions being ignored is unreal. No wonder the playerbase is so low when you consider the complete lack of respect developers have for the community's judgement.

Pleayerbase hits 15*** "I know we'll just make another moon!"
Key word being opinions. You regurgitate the same complaints time and time again without actually offering any solutions. Why don't you spend more time offering constructive feedback instead of repeating the same complaints constantly.

Incoming dumb train from MegaLollis, a civilian organisation with almost as many members on as PD! Independent thinking is hard!
If players wanted something they'd make a suggestion, I don't think ratings should be conceived as acceptance from the community.
@Aquaa If everyone hates the update why is it getting any positive ratings? As far as I can tell this is laying groundwork for further updates so I see no reason to be hating on the post.
@Aquaa Alright but there's still not a single negative rating so the update must be tickling people the right way?
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