Update Log - 26/05/2019

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Organisations are now limited to 15 players

I'm all for change. But really? This solves nothing in the long run, and if anything causes problem short term. I'm now placed in a position where I am literally FORCED TO KICK MY FRIENDS so that the organization's features work. Sure they can go make another organization and still hang around with us, but it defeats the purpose of being "1 group of friends". I can't understand any logical reasoning behind this. It's very rare for an organization to consistently have over 10 members online in the first place.

Please stop using "zergs" as an excuse for people not being able to win out shootouts. It's such a meaningless excuse and literally just a buzzword that people throw around. Everybody has control over their organization and it's size. If you aren't winning and believe the excuse is because you don't have enough members, then isn't that the actual problem?

Also this does not combat the issue of new players being overrun by groups of people what so ever, so that cannot be used as a justification to this change.
Fixed vehicles being public after driver has left
what about if you stole the car but got out, can you get back in?
Future changes within orgs will take place however it will take development time, this is a short term fix as you said. Shouldn't need more than 15 people in an org anyway
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Why shouldn't I? My organization isn't insanely active,, we have players that hop on and off but all who deserved their spot in the organization because they are our friends. I shouldn't be forced to kick members out to get my features working again, and nor should I have to kick and reinvite other people based on when they come online. Literally a ludicrous change to be implemented before other stuff is developed to interlink with this.
Organisations are now limited to 15 players

You realize that we're all just gonna have a mega org made up of smaller orgs and we're still going to do the exact same shit over and over right? Although big organisations being forced to operate as smaller gangs working for 1 major boss is kinda like how gangs work IRL so I'm on a thin ass fence about this.
@Husky "entire server" =/= 24 people that are currently in my org.

This change solves nothing, it's just a nuisance if anything. If I wanted to raid you with 60 players, I'm still able to do so even with these changes. If the change doesn't achieve anything, it should never be implemented, and that is the case here. Your problem is that you face too many opponents that are in one group, but it doesn't take much to realize that this clearly doesn't solve the problem. I don't care if it will be solved with more changes, the point is it shouldn't be added when it has no effect on the thing that you deem as "unfair".

Besides, you can't really go out there and say that the entire server is against you guys, when you put yourself in that position by raiding almost everyone, and yet you still also have people doing anything in shootouts to get an invite into "olsen".
@Dr. Dräjj why would there be a reason to add this though? It'd just be a smack on the shitter to be honest. I have friends on the server I'd shoot people to save who aren't in my organisation but because we went through so much as sweaters I feel as though I owe it to them to help them out. I'm not gonna sit there and let a mate be shafted by PLPD Kids like I'm having some kind of danger wank, and if rules stop me from helping out mates just because we're in different organisations then I reckon that I'm through with PERP.

I guess opinions change when you join them @Saint Wylde ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

That's the point, its a nuisance to people who think numbers > skill. Disrupting communication in a game mode like Perp is massive and will be a good move until development takes place. We have 16 members, 6 of which are inactive, we could complain about it but I'd rather have close friends over numbers to be honest.

People don't do dumb shit to join 'Olsen' anymore and nor would I allow them to, people who assist in gun fights just get sprayed up and rims are pushed to the side and treated badly - Maybe not a good thing, but can't stand people stroking my ego. Once being team mates and friends I'd expect you to understand the issue vs numbers and the issues it causes, disappointing but I'm sure you are just fighting for your new org.

No hard feelings.
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