Update Log - 30/06/2024


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Minor Update Log

Today we bring a minor update with a mix of new features, tweaks and fixes. Here are the highlighted changes:

New Courier Branding​


  • Delivery vehicles have a new livery (by @Collier)
  • Couriers now have a uniform (logo by @Bolli).

New Police barricades and items​


  • New evidence markers for Patrol officers (by @peeps).
    • The number is unique in a small area.
  • New "Area Closed" barricade for Patrol officers.
    • Weighs less than the "Road Closed" one, making it unsuitable for road blocks
  • Made one cone a RTU exclusive. Previously it was also available to Patrol officers.
  • Increased the barricade limit for both Patrol and RTU.

New crowbar animation​

Thanks to @kasperr for allowing us to use some new animations he made for the crowbar.

Job changes​


  • Assassinated and deceased Mayors cannot participate in elections for 30 minutes.
  • The Mayor now wears an exclusive Paralake enamel pin.
  • Lowered the maximum income tax to 60% (was 75%).
  • Road Crew trucks are locked to the public by default. Workers can press "C" to toggle the locks, like private vehicles.
    • This will prevent interlopers from using RC as free taxis.
  • Road Management Officers wear a black cap, instead of the traditional white.
    • RMO can impound vehicles without Police involvement. This will allow players to know a rule break did not occur.
  • Unmarked Police Crown Victoria has a slightly faster acceleration and top speed.
  • Training area overhaul
    • New setups for a more realistic situation (by @3izu)
    • Ability to have items such as metal detectors etc
    • Clothing in stage overhaul
    • You no longer get kicked from the session when you go too far

Other changes​

  • Confiscating the bank drill takes 30 seconds instead of just 5, to deter rule-breaking officers from sneakily stopping a bank robbery.
  • Added text on hover to delivery app buttons to make bulk-adding/removing more discoverable
  • Added a hint to inform players of how to unlock their vehicles when someone tries to enter.
  • Added a text on screen when ziptied, teaching that it is possible to break free by jumping. Also added a static text when handcuffed.
  • Lowered the sale price of the Office Desk.
  • Improved the accuracy of Life Alert location messages.
  • You can now physgun buddies items that are on sale
  • Players can crouch without losing stamina when not holding a weapon.


  • Properties no longer show as "For sale" when the owner reconnects.
  • Marking an item as "Not for sale" no longer locks the UI if the player is not in an organization.
  • Light bulbs are considered material items instead of furniture.
  • Fixed certain situations were police cars could not be repaired
We will also release further improvements in the coming days. Please, let us know if you spot any issues.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to this update: @Sindarin, @Fredy, @Carrot, @peeps, @Collier, @Bolli, @rogue, @3izu, @kasperr, and all the members who reported bugs, suggested the ideas and helped refine and test them.

Known issues​

These issues will be fixed in the coming restarts.
  • You can't type while dead or performing certain actions that freeze your character.
  • Non-civilians get tips about unlocking their vehicles when they can't unlock them.
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