Warning Dispute (ellie)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Warning
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: ellie
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days

Your Steam Name: Exnem
Your Roleplay Name: Xarles Parmentier
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:56233091

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4, 4.1 - Came up with the idea to make a human roadblock in a highway pursuit where one officer died and general minging around.

Why should this appeal be considered?: [I'm disputing both the warning and the blacklist]

Coming up with a dumb idea is hardly a warnable offense. The fact that people follow that idea is also not my fault, not to mention the fact that it was not an order either. It is equally not my fault for saying we should use our bodies as a spike strip, as it is telling people that going into an alleyway is perfectly safe.

I did not position myself in more danger than necessary for a vehicle-involved roadblock. I stood behind (relative to) the vehicle to see if the vehicle was coming by, and also to pose for a joke. I opened my inventory (to equip spikes) a few moments before the suspect vehicle came back to the intersection, at which point it was far too late to get into position with my spikes.

I may have been late to getting into proper position, but I'm not perfect and mistakes happen. Seven seconds into being in the road, I was preparing to get my spikes out and to move into position, having opened my inventory at that moment, which happened to be the exact moment the car came by. You can see my mouse movement abruptly stopping for a split second as I open my inventory, then see the car. So I close it and engage.

For all the good we can do, and do daily, 7 seconds of a bad decision seems to be what people hang on to these days with very little lee-way.

Additional Information: [Image ellie used as baseline for the blacklist she gave me]:
[Video of the full situation. Everything went by really quickly and by the time I decided to properly get into cover and equip my spikes, it was too late, and unexpected might I add]:
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I would like to say that I was here on this same instance, together with @sjappy10 @rxsm and @Exnem .
We all had a warning and a blacklist for such a small thing and I think it was a dumb thing for us to do, but in my opinion it shouldn't have these consequences. (@sjappy10 wasn't even with us at that moment, so he shouldn't have received the consequences in the first place.)

I would like to say sorry to @Ellie on how I reacted to the report against me.
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The situation was already reviewed by several staff members including myself in the dispute linked here.

Your involvement in the situation as well as your arguments are not sufficiently different enough to justify this dispute being reviewed on its own merits. In-fact, based on the evidence submitted in the previous dispute, you were the one who suggested the "human roadblock". You all had a part to play and were complete idiots and have thus suffered the consequences.

Reviewed with @Collier
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