Riekelt Messages 902 Reaction score 2,535 Points 790 Location Netherlands Mar 19, 2021 #1 So I was cleaning out my Shadowplay folder and found a bunch of clipped Teamspeak stuff... I started editing it and when Vegas started crashing I decided to just render it and go with it... so I guess part 2 inbound? Featuring: @Madda @Tinky @Pull up Pull up Gass @Bojing @flugs @Clarky
So I was cleaning out my Shadowplay folder and found a bunch of clipped Teamspeak stuff... I started editing it and when Vegas started crashing I decided to just render it and go with it... so I guess part 2 inbound? Featuring: @Madda @Tinky @Pull up Pull up Gass @Bojing @flugs @Clarky
ati ツ Messages 239 Reaction score 210 Points 430 Location Germany Mar 19, 2021 #3 That was a fun day laughing again with the people cool video
walnash Messages 873 Reaction score 2,269 Points 960 Location your walls Mar 19, 2021 #5 there was more things but they couldn't be shown to the public
Clarky Messages 2,518 Reaction score 3,709 Points 1,000 Location United Kingdom Mar 19, 2021 #6 Fucking hate it when story time is interrupted
Mim Messages 700 Reaction score 1,084 Points 745 Location England Mar 19, 2021 #8 Damn I’m glad some Buckingham palace clips weren’t included
Exnem Messages 2,914 Reaction score 3,817 Points 1,150 Location Norway Mar 19, 2021 #9 You really shouldn't say that. There's a part 2 coming.
curak Messages 1,610 Reaction score 1,757 Points 1,080 Location Belgium Mar 19, 2021 #11 best compilation I've seen so far. Finally something else than e-sportclips.
amr Messages 259 Reaction score 283 Points 470 Location Middle East Mar 19, 2021 #12 will continue to annoy everyone with my mic echo
Mina Messages 1,013 Reaction score 2,045 Points 755 Location North of Ireland Mar 19, 2021 #14 I have the same thing with my mic. Damn echos made me make a push to talk so I can actually do RTU training and people don't complain @Mim @flugs
I have the same thing with my mic. Damn echos made me make a push to talk so I can actually do RTU training and people don't complain @Mim @flugs