what do u do in the server

Try to get in an org - make some friends, gain their trust and join. Orrrr make your own and recruit other people.

You can always join the biggest gang in perp - the PLPD
Make friends lmao. Hang around bazaar and find a crime crew to commit crimes with, Or work a job until you gain a significant social circle.
I usually go as firefighter and hide in City Hall to get payed for being afk.

No in all fairness, I only play civ. What I do varies. If Im in an org I base/raid with them. When I’m solo I like to soloraid properties. When I’m bored I just chill in bazaar waiting for peeps to turn it into the wild west for sensation.
Good thing to do when kinda bored and not in the mood for basing is fishing at the beach with a transit. Pretty decent money, zero risk and pretty brainless.

But if that aint ur cuppa tea try doing some jobs. RC seems pretty ok when playing alone. Firefighter can be afk simulator cuz there aint always fires. Medic is for women (its a joke before peeps get all butthurt). Lastly you can try copper, but who the f plays copper am I right? Peeps seem to enjoy cop alot put personally I find it rlly boring and I ain’t the person who likes to give tickets for nonsense lol.

But like others said try to make friends or join orgs, I find it very interesting to teamup with complete strangers and see how that works out.

If you can’t find an org you can always join ASDA, they take in any kid who can press leftclick.
Downgrade cars,sell cars,work all the jobs and then gamble, win big at the casino and gamble it all
u gotta find urself a org, ngl i went thru not knowing alot of ppl on the server and for a while i was solo but eventually started to base with ppl i didn't even know and got invited into a org which thats when the fun began
For me, joining the PLPD was my way into meeting new people on the server. When you join, you're forced to communicate with everyone and work as a team. This kinda eliminated that initial awkward interaction where you go up to random people and start a conversation out of no where. You can also ask to ride along with people and get to know them during your patrol. That being said, PLPD isn't for everyone and if you don't like it, I also suggest trying to find an organisation.
come on my friend, build up your reputation a bit and join an org which gives you friends, with those friends earn money and become rich and do whatever you want! or you can do it on your own and maybe start your own org, its your choice.
Bazaar conversations work

Try going on courier, taxi, roadcrew, medic, cop or even firefighter then you have a constant task while you passively become more well known and get to know more people.

The most challenging way to socialize is the criminal way but ever since missions came up it’s now a ton easier since you don’t have to trust a stranger to teach you everything. So while you learn through it, try to talk to people about it.