What do u do on your spare time outside

I played basketball for a while, I don't really get out much since its been cold as it comes closer to Summer I tend to come out more and just chill with my mates and enjoy a zoot or two

I have a schedule for gym every monday wednesday and friday.
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I go outside, complain about the piss cold weather, and go back inside in my free time. I do this a whopping one time a day, five days a week, the rest of the week can piss off.

Although Northern Norway looks nice, it sure doesn't feel nice in terms of temperature, pls.
Gaben fix.
I'm going outside to ride my bike to do even more sport inside... Wrestling, yay.
Skateboard all the time, smoke a lot of weed, experiment with a lot of hallucinogenics and drink a lot of beer. Party Party Party
Hah spare time? What is this thing you talk about?

My life consists of part time work on weekends, cadets twice a week, school work, school, Gold Sports 'Ambassador-ding', gym a minimum of 4 times a week. And, of course the weekly seshhhhhh!!!!

Although I suppose the last two are not necessities so gym is my general spare time hobby.
'Oh my, you're so masculine Mr Archie' - @Jordan
beat up this ginger cunt who thought it was funny to attack my mum
and of course spend time with my gf and my cyka blyat friend krzysztof like wtf do you think i'm some bloodthirsty cunt
I go out with some mates and have a season ticket to Southampton fc so i go and watch them every saturday.
This was us 2 weeks ago at the EFL cup final (by us i mean fans).

I like to play any sport really.
We lost 3-2 but a bloody good game