What games would you reccomend?

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Over the past few months I've been getting a build up of money in my bank account due to not really finding any games 'fun' anymore and not wanting to spend money on games like Fortnite and CS as I don't play them consistently. I'm just wondering what games you guys would recommend that are time consuming as the only excuse I've currently got to use my PC is for homework and PERP. I've got 81 games but most of them are just single player games that I've completed already or multiplayer games I've got no-one to play with.
Warframe if you want a time consuming game it's grind central there.
Back on PS2-3 I used to play a great ass game called: Godfather, As in the first godfather based off the actual movies. I used to spend so much time playing it, the missions are fun and the game mechanics were decent for 2006. I've been trying to get it on PC in order to enjoy it again. I suggest you play it since It is actually pretty fun even for it being an old ass game. I feel this game was a bit of a hidden gem and it was just disregarded a little, Its still a great game and Its worth the buy and pirating . You have an open world full of organised crime and you could say it can remind you of perp due to how the game works.

A few screenshots:
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands
Tom Clancy's The Division
World of Warships
7 Days to Die
Planetary Annihilation
Fallout 4
Skyrim Legendary Edition
The Crew
The Crew 2 (Unreleased, But should be good)
Ark Survival Evolved (Pretty time consuming if you find a good server. Great to play with friends)
Payday 2
Planet Coaster
Stranded Deep
There's a few games that are on my personal TOP Play list;

Escape from Tarkov (First Person Shooter, Highly realistic and hard to play and hella fun with friends)

Sea of Thieves (Cartoon like Pirate game, go into pirate adventures with friends to collect as much gold as possible!)

PS: Sea of Thieves is also playable on PC
There's a few games that are on my personal TOP Play list;

Escape from Tarkov (First Person Shooter, Highly realistic and hard to play and hella fun with friends)

Sea of Thieves (Cartoon like Pirate game, go into pirate adventures with friends to collect as much gold as possible!)

PS: Sea of Thieves is also playable on PC

You can get sea of thieves completely free -

(No crack bs)
A good single player game is Grim Fandango: Remastered. Spent ages playing that, it's quality but really hard. A good multiplayer game is Fifa 18 if you have an Xbox, I think it's on PC as well though on origin. if you aren't into football then you could try Civilization 5, the new ones are shit but really you need a few friends with Civ to actually play.

EDIT: Football Manager 2018 is quality and its 50% off on steam the now as well.
I actually thought of getting this game as I enjoyed the beta and I found it really fun, I just got put off it as I thought no one played it anymore. Is it still semi populated?
Yeah man I played it late last year, was hitting like 10k+ players online pretty much every day. You'll still find plenty of people, especially with all the global events and new content they constantly add.

However with the announcement of Division 2, the updates might slow down.
It's good but you will need to buy the season pass as well since it's like destiny.