What is perpnet


Your smart aren't you. That's a different Sean and since when have I ever had an org called the Nobs family. I have always had my name as Jenkins. But whatever.
Only big advantage they'll have over PERPheads is the fact that there developers will probably be more active than ours.

@Fredy Come back :(
Apparently, the owner got permabanned like 2 years ago for Plagiarism Perpheads, owner stole the idea how the system works (PLPD Chief, roadcrew ... etc) and managed to get players from our community
owner stole the idea how the system works (PLPD Chief, roadcrew ... etc)

You mean shit thats existed inside Gmod RP for ages before? I thought the owner was the geezer who literally copy and pasted the rules of this server onto his?
Honestly, I think you guys are overreacting. It's good to see a server try and model themselves after our server because we are the most successful PERP server and possibly the most successful Serious RP server in all of Gmod. Although we aren't in the best situation right now, I still consider PH the best RP server right now. Its' not easy hosting a server that isn't generic darkrp with 500 add-ons that somehow manages to get 100 players a day. Most servers die as a result of being left to rot at the bottom of the server browser due to the "DarkRP flood"
Yeah who ever is in charge of forum upkeep over there could really use a basic lesson in use of the forum admin panel which a fucking first grader could use better. Reset your password itll send a thing to your email then itll work
pls perpnet.... I tried registering to respond on forums... two times server eror, now i'm not aible to register anymore since both my emails are already used
still pretty disgusting it gave errors two times, isn't working good, first grader would indeed to better