What is perpnet

so basically all the hackers who got banned off perpheads are going to be on perpnet meh
baby shark dodoodododo baby shark dodododo baby shark dodoodo baby shark
Pulsar effect roleplay (perp) is made open to customization and coding. I used to play on a very good server before perpheads started. Miss it
It's a new perp server coming out soon that is basically a copy of ours and they are pretty open about it. The owner is someone who got perma banned in 2016 I think for copying all the rules iirc and has a staff team that consists of several members from PERPHeads. That's really it....
You obviously wanted a debate to start? Why would you ask here when all you have to do is search their website up in google?
PerpNet Is pretty much a replica and hard copy of PerpHeads, they have the same models/car mechanics/HUD and more of it ahead. The owner was banned 2 years ago for plagarism related causes which lead on to the creation of PerpNet. For now, it accepts anyone and its attracting some people from Perpheads onto their server.

To me, it seems like a disgusting thing to do, instead of making their own style of a server, they decide to create a direct copy and don't credit any of the coders or Devs.

Yes, they could promote PERP as a whole, but either way, these type of movements are snakey and quite frankly unfair and full on copies.
Owner released a video on their youtube channel @Bert They domonstrated the car's used and it was exactly the same as Perpheads physics and HUD when driving.
