PERPNet is dangerous

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this is what perpheads should be doing then it would stop very bad players breaking rules they're geniuses really if you think about it
Fredy is purging posts, cause as far as I know him and Lucas made a peace treat, about not fighting each others and not be a competition(Just as far as I know, even as a fucking moderator there I get dipship amount of fucking informations about anything.)
I honestly want to send him a (fake) C&D Letter, he sounds like an ignorant cunt
Also tried to dissolve his company, but it takes time and he didn't seem to realise that.
just be smart and shitpost about perpnet on the perpheads forums its 200iq they can't see it!!!! also why care if your ip is leaked when nobody knows who u r its only important if you are.
because it's litteraly illigal and considering steamID information is also there, it makes it easier to find out who someone is or where he lives.
We've solved the IP and content issue by having a civil talk with one of Perpnet developers.

We'd appreciate if no (further) hate is given toward any other communities, this causes unnecessary toxicity and qualms between us and others. That isn't what PERPHeads is about, and we will not tolerate anybody going to another server and causing grief and/or slating them via our forums.

Thank you.
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