What revision methods do you use?

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United Kingdom
So it's coming up to that stressful time of the year for most of us in education with Exam Season coming up and the first GCSE exams are only just over 2 weeks away. So obviously revision is vital to succeeding and to ensure we get the best grades that we can achieve. However, for quite a few people, it is a bit of a struggle to revise with all the subjects to cover, unsure what to revise on, dedicating enough time to revision, etc. And I thought it would be interesting for us to share our methods of revision as each person's methods varies and the amount of time they put into revision varies but say for example: If someone's current method of revising isn't effective for them, adopting a new method from someone else may prove benefical to them.

With my revision, I'm aiming to do 3 hours a day minimum and I personally do mind maps on a topic with multiple colours to make it stand out. I also do revision posters containing diagrams and information.

So to summarise, whats your personal way of revising?
I take the very approach teachers have warned me about since year 6 SATS and have done it with every exam since, and I'm at university now lol.

Wait until a few days before the exams when the pressure is on. When you have pressure your less likely to get distracted (such as revise 10 mins then go on phone for 20). I work better under pressure, however it's risky and I wouldn't recommend it unless you're able to cope with intense revision.
just sleep and play games that's what I do when a big test is coming up

If I ever actually study or revise as you call it, I make myself flash cards and I'm taught by my parents so ask them for help man idk im a young mediocre American tryna get a middle class job and not die on the streets
You get all this talk about how good flash cards and taking notes are and yes it does work for a lot of people, however if it doesn't honestly just try reading over everything like textbooks. Personally it refreshed my mind well, and that mixed with doing mock tests every now and again got me decent GCSE grades.

Don't freak out about them either, it's not the end of the world if you don't do well in them :p
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if you have any , go over old books/folders and revise what you have already learnt as it usually covers alot of topics from the start of the year (did for my sister and she got like 7 A's)