What Was Your First Coding Languages?

I started learning HTML around '08, made some Habbo Retro hotels as hobby projects next to primary school (good times). Picked up a bit of PHP doing that but never went deeper into it other than some small tweaks in the available CMS systems (HoloCMS, UberCMS, PHPRetro).

I dove into Visual Basic shortly after that and stuck with making shitty programs for a few years until deciding to learn C# and make some more shitty programs.

I did that until about 2012 when I made a few websites for friends and family, and started a few Garry's Mod communities when I started learning LUA. Hosted an absolute fuck ton of Clockwork and Nutscript roleplay servers mainly Black Mesa themed, worked for Lemonpunch on WW3RP and another project I can't remember, then worked on EuRoleplay starting out on the wiki and moving on to actual gamemode development, and my last venture in Garry's Mod was in 2016 or 2017 when I worked on Heartbit's Black Mesa Roleplay.

Started learning how to actually build stuff from scratch in PHP when I started out on EuRoleplay and made about 2 thousand euros creating small websites for financing and a donation page for a not to be named Christian organization. After this I started an internship at a local software company working in PHP, and picked up my skills in PHP, C# and a new language GoLang along the way. Currently still learning on after 2 and a half years of professional programming. The learning never stops. Never.

Tl;dr: I did some things.
made a file that would spam the cmd with "robert is a nonce" and then have a countdown until your computer would turn off, made it at school and stuck it on the school system. Also made one that would spam the cmd until your computer would eventually freeze and crash.
Stuff about Habbo Retros.
Same boat mate. I started making Habbo Retros with a friend from America around the R34 and v63 time. Learned a bit of PHP and C# and worked briefly with ColdFusion. We made an emulator and CMS that we release publicly and then gave it all up to move onto Gmod LUA Coding as I got a fond obsession with JailBreak and Deathrun and have coded various things ever since.

Briefly run my own PERP Server that was actually doing quite well after I got banned on here, but it went tits up when I forgot to pay the server bills when on holiday.
I've also worked with NutScript and Clockwork and was a developer on CloudSixteen Clockwork for a very short time until some important times personally appeared and I failed to meet the deadlines. I also disliked working with the framework when I actually got into the development team and put off development.

Moral of the story, backup your files peeps.
There are a few reasons:
  • Game development (might do it in the future)
  • It gives me a better understanding of how a computer works at the metal
  • It'll make learning higher level languages 'easier'
  • The flexing potential (on classmates lmao)
HTML, Small bit, Python 3.0 bitches, made a password script still working on it reeee,
oh and enjoy, feel free to use this,


thats it all together
PyScripter 3.0

By any chance something related to the Phoenix emulator that was trending for a while? I remember v63 times... but I stopped making them before that came out and was a forum lurker at the time, my hotels were v16's and v26's, the good 'ol days.
By any chance something related to the Phoenix emulator that was trending for a while? I remember v63 times... but I stopped making them before that came out and was a forum lurker at the time, my hotels were v16's and v26's, the good 'ol days.
We actually derived the emulator from Butterfly and another one from the original Uber. We got a lot of stick because people thought we were imitating Phoenix but it wasn't really much like Phoenix. We started to get a bit more of a following after OtakuStudios closed down, but we killed the project in early days.
Welp, I'm trying to learn C# as my first "real" programming language, but I had a couple of lessons in HTML at school before that.

My school now thinks it's a GREAT idea to teach us Processing, a completely obsolete language, for about a year, so that makes me feel absolutely amazing.