What would you do if you were Senior Admin?

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Manchester, England
Here it is, another post about the way the community is going.

I just wanted to ask people the things you would do if you were Senior Admin (not head admin, because I doubt Bolli would stop gracing us with his presence).

What things would you push forward, why and why do you think it would be beneficial. I just want a healthy debate going and hopefully some good points are raised that the current SA team can take on board.

At this moment in time, I don't think PERP is doing too bad in terms on the way things are going, obviously i'm not too active so feel free to correct me. However, I think things have certainly gotten better after the Community Meeting where people got things off their chest.

Personally, if I were a Senior Admin (and these aren't shots at any current SA), I'd probably be active on the server. I think it's probably the first step and best thing in terms of moving forward. An active figure head that actually enjoys the game mode and also encourages people to do better. In the same way Ayjay and Jordan would do by going on as officer and patrolling with newer people and encourage them to role play properly.

Another thing I would do is maybe adjust the rules in some way that makes for some rules to have leeway on role play and people can't choose to just not role play (on a role play server) because a certain rule says it's not allowed.

Also a probably kick out all the inactive from the staff team and put active people up and actually give them things to do so that they stay active. Also as an SA you'd have to be pro-active and constantly looking for things that could help the server and be beneficial and have it implemented asap. All these things don't necessarily have to be development based, could be anything from an event to a rule change, to a discussion.

Below i'm going to tag some people I think could have good ideas and could maybe provide some decent points -
@Code Monkey

What would you do, if you were a Senior Admin?

Mate @amir nicked the rims off my vauxhaul nova and tried flogging them back to me for £50 quid, I told him to fock off, I aint having that, Im HARD.

Stop this bullshit about not punishing people for long or atleast make it a bit more strict.
Yeah, we need to keep playerbase but someone getting banned for a day for blatantly breaking rules is unacceptable in my eyes. All bans and warnings are sugarcoated and there are way too many verbal warnings being given out. People break rules because they are not scared of the punishments, breaking rules should be something the players fear doing.

Do something about the severe toxicity.
Right now, there is an obvious toxicity problem and I feel like no one is really doing anything to prevent this. Toxicity should be punished zero tolerance as it is just not good for the community. Muting people permanently from OOC is a good punishment in my opinion, shit like that. You don't even have to ban them. They can appeal it on the forums.

Talk more to the community.
As in showing future updates, showing progress. Something like a progress post every month or something. This way we could give feedback and we can see what the SA and Dev team are doing behind the scenes. Madda is getting flamed a lot for being 'inactive' but I am quite sure he is busy behind the scenes. The implementation of the Community Manager rank is a perfect role for this and I hope we will see posts like this in the future.

There has been a lot of improvement lately and I am really happy to see that. The implementation of the new Staff ranks (Helper, Community Manager) was a very smart decision and it has helped the server in many ways. I 100% trust in the Admin Team to change the bad stuff for good stuff but I really just wish they communicated with the community more.
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This is a constructive thread, please post constructive in the comments!

Thanks @Adrish for thinking I have some nice ideas.

First thing I would do is attempt to make the staff team seem so mysterious. I'd do this by making things a bit more public, that do not need to be private. If a staff member is in active, everyone should know and I believe a lot of people get away with inactivity too much. I understand life is complicated and difficult, but if you truly care about the server, step aside. Let other people give being staff member a shot, there isn't room for everybody and if you're making inactivity notices every month you cannot fulfill the time required to be staff.

More community meetings. I found the first one very constructive, a number of points got outlined I just wish SA would be more public about how they plan to tackle every problem that evolved.

Nothing against Ayjay, but why was the community not allowed to vote for their own community representative? I understand it's a position with a lot of power, but if the staff just came forward with names they trust to hold that power the community could have voted off of that.

Overall, the public face of the staff team is lacking heavily, a lot of problems could be solved just by being public and actually talking to the community about some things that are going on behind closed doors. Half of the time players ask moderators something that not even we get told.
I think Ayjay is perfect for the role tbh, he is a nice lad and is good at talking non stop.
I lot of community members do not see it this way, since he's become CM he has, held a community meeting in which he didn't attend, and made a public post regarding event staff...
Everyone has real life sure but I'd expect a lot more to at least be outlined since he got the rank
@Inchs Yeah I agree. Exactly like you said, if he can't put time in then he should not have it.

But if Ayjay puts time in, I think he would be a great candidate. That being said though, maybe he is also busy behind the scenes but that would be a bit odd considering he is supposed to talk to us.
I have 22 warnings and 12 bans so I seriously hope I get a long ban if I do get banned. Which is not going to happen
reminder that I was recommended for Senior Admin by the previous SA but not chosen.

well, I would've turned down the offer anyways as I said in the past but thinking about it again I would've taken it this time.

Encouragement is a problem internally within the staff team. Periodic rewards were something to aim for when going for reports and if you didn't hit your quota you felt like you were just paperweight and worried about your rank when everyone else does their part, thankfully the quota is not a thing at the moment due to the servers recent population. Moron making conversations about your report count felt more humane than some automatic thing we have now, which admittedly is more convenient but feels like it replaced all sorts of communication between you and Senior Administration.

I'd tackle down on punishments, be forgiving for new players, be harsher on older players that should be familiar with the rules and gamemode. I remember writing the Enforcer guidelines about how you'd feel if you were in the banned persons shoes, some staff seem to lack empathy in given situations or tend to hold grudges when it kicks off in the admin situation and just say go make a dispute and staff complaint, goodbye. I've seen this happen in the past.

Transparency also seems to be a problem, be more open about the community about any decisions you make, inform the community about the current position of the staff team and any internal changes to see how it's being run behind the scenes and with how staff complaints are dealt. I think the roadcrew shitfest with AS50's back in EvoCity is what worsened staff rep even more.

Give more feedback to current Enforcer's and Moderator's, if you are a learner or have a job (lol) you'd know how encouraging positive feedback is. This point plays a important role for the first point, encouragement.

Toxicity bad, people seem to have a right to defend their ego whenever something happens in-game if they win or lose. OOC bans/timeouts should be considered for longer periods of time instead of limiting them to 30 minutes or until server restart.

More events with rewards.

Make sure the server doesn't turn into a E-Sport and doesn't lose all of its roleplay aspects.

Screen potential Enforcer candidates. The only reason I applied for a second time is because Moron approached me in-game, took me to a roof and pointed out how I'd make a good staff member.

All I can think of for now. This is why having community meetings is also crucial to point out current problems.
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My recent interactions with Madda showed me that he was actually somewhat busy with updates alongside Samuel. Fairly certain Madda is working on the map.
@Dom_ is the reason me and Mim applied to begin with, this needs to happen more for sure
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