Who first started perpheads? What is the history behind the name..

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I've wondered this for a while now. But who first started perpheads? And what, is the history behind it's name. It's just an interesting fact to know. From my research the first two people to bring up perpheads was Tanges and Xquality - But yeah, it would be good if there was a page on the forum where it showed all history on perpheads past!
I looked on the game tracker stats and it seems that Xquality and Tanges were the first to play on the server which was 25th of May 2013, but yes also It's just my research no facts :)
Fredy is the one that totally owns the server. Stephen is the coder, but started it with Fredy, Xquality is the mapper, and Tanges is the web administrator. They all started it together.
Alright well I guess I probably should comment on this.

Perpheads was derived from Jarheads which was the name of an organization all 4 owners (Fredy, Xquality, Tanges, and myself) met and played as for quite some time on a different server and since we all loved how PERP was, and that ****heads usually means you're a fan of something, and perp also meaning criminals which PERP is kind of based off of, Perpheads made perfect sense.

That server eventually decided to stop and we all still had each other added from Steam. After a number of months the owners of the old server (VS3 for those interested) contacted Xquality asking if he would have any interest in them relaunching, which he said yes to and contacted me about it shortly after. During the time in which they were relaunching Xquality and myself aimed to help develop content for them (neither of us being experienced in how to create anything for Source, and the documentation was a pain in the butt to learn, but eventually we both learned the rough basics of it all so we created several of the skins/models and a lil more basic version of our old map, rp_evocity_v33x_perpheads, however the iteration you all played on was modified further since the owners of that server decided not to use the modified version and just use rp_evocity_v33x instead. After helping create all this content for them they refused to mention Xquality or myself as developers for them or even anything about premium, so we pretty much cut out of there and the way the server was maintained lead to its failure not long after release. Fredy tried to play on the server to see how good the relaunch was but he was not impressed so he and Xquality started to talk in which Fredy suggested that he could create a better server and thereby the origins of Perpheads you are used to started mostly with Xquality and Fredy. In which Fredy would code in several ideas pitched to him by Xquality, who contacted me about a week after getting all that going. I had no knowledge of how to code in LUA at that point, I was quite good with Expression2 (E2) from wiremod, and by trade I am trained in Computer Science, but never saw or used LUA before. So for a couple weeks I helped Xqualtiy refine his ideas into what would be the best and more important things to add, and I helped produce some models as well as deconstruct some for the weapon components you are familiar with. Seeing as I had more input into the development of the server unlike the previous one Xquality and myself had tried to assist with, I decided that I may try to help Fredy do some coding, which took quite some time for me to understand how everything was laid out and how LUA itself would run/be coded.

At this point you might be asking, but where's Tanges in all of this? Tanges, as mentioned earlier, was a member of our organization and since he was going to school for some computer related courses, we assigned him the task of creating and maintaining the website. Yes, this website, as well as when we used a different style of forums, for those who remember back then.

By no means am I the original owner, if anyone were to be assigned that title it would be both Fredy and Xquality as they both originally started this going with ideas and the code to back it up. But to all four of us, it doesn't really matter who was first or gets the most input, it's a matter of creating what we view to be the best and most realistic server of this type, and we will continue to add to its greatness. Yes some people may not like every decision we do, but we are far from the full picture of how we want it to fully be so some changes may seem unpopular at that time but as it develops further it will both make sense and fit in seamlessly. Like how the delivery job might seem a bit strange right now, but as we add more things, that job will gain more demand and fit into the community much better than it does today. Anyways, I'm sure you're tired of reading this by now, but that's the rough history of Perpheads, why the name and how it came to be. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask me and I can answer them.
What Stephen says is basically all that you need to know about PERPHEADS

But when it comes to the history of the name It kinda has to go back quite some time

It all started out on VS3 PERP server where JonniB and Renato started playing one night when we were all laning. I refused to play with them because I thought Garrys Mod was a gay game. Then Xquality got into it aswell so I gave it a try. On the server we had a organization called Jarheads which was basically just a couple of Icelandic friends playing together but eventually we grew in power and made alliances with other orgs on the server. Eventually one of the corps we were allied with got merged with ours if I remember correctly that was the corp Fredy was in. That was the time where Fredy became a big part of Jarheads. At that time we were at war with other 2 big orgs on the server called "Escobar" and "Illuminati" during that time Stephen was growing with us in the skyscraper and we all really liked him so he joined us in the quest for power! Illuminati eventually got crushed and disbanded while Escobar got merged with Jarheads. From that time on we were the dominating org on the Vs3 PERP until the server got shut down.

Some time after the creaters of Vs3 PERP decided to throw up another server called "SimplyPERP" and on that server the admins really didnt want us Jarheads to stick together because we'd be dominating the server again and thus killing it. So a couple of us that had admin ranks couldn't be in the Jarheads org for reason that are understandable since it would just lead to trouble by people thinking we were biased that server died fairly fast tho because of bad administration and lack of content ( that is my humble opinion )

And here we are today and what Stephen wrote kinda sums up what happened after that.
Dudeh said:
What Stephen says is basically all that you need to know about PERPHEADS

But when it comes to the history of the name It kinda has to go back quite some time

It all started out on VS3 PERP server where JonniB and Renato started playing one night when we were all laning. I refused to play with them because I thought Garrys Mod was a gay game. Then Xquality got into it aswell so I gave it a try. On the server we had a organization called Jarheads which was basically just a couple of Icelandic friends playing together but eventually we grew in power and made alliances with other orgs on the server. Eventually one of the corps we were allied with got merged with ours if I remember correctly that was the corp Fredy was in. That was the time where Fredy became a big part of Jarheads. At that time we were at war with other 2 big orgs on the server called "Escobar" and "Illuminati" during that time Stephen was growing with us in the skyscraper and we all really liked him so he joined us in the quest for power! Illuminati eventually got crushed and disbanded while Escobar got merged with Jarheads. From that time on we were the dominating org on the Vs3 PERP until the server got shut down.

Some time after the creaters of Vs3 PERP decided to throw up another server called "SimplyPERP" and on that server the admins really didnt want us Jarheads to stick together because we'd be dominating the server again and thus killing it. So a couple of us that had admin ranks couldn't be in the Jarheads org for reason that are understandable since it would just lead to trouble by people thinking we were biased that server died fairly fast tho because of bad administration and lack of content ( that is my humble opinion )

And here we are today and what Stephen wrote kinda sums up what happened after that.
I can't believe you don't mention eseputo. :v