AR on Freedor

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Aquaa | Dylan Larsen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [FTG] Freedor21 | Mike Dous
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:58219050
Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player should be punished because he broke both 1.1 and 4.1

4.1 Follow the law:
Government employees must at all times follow the entirety of the law.

During a situation with a senior officer (@Sam), Freedor was stopping @Bean Can because he "matched the description" of someone who had destroyed a black hummer. This is the description that he provided to me within the OOC situation - [LOOC] [FTG] Freedor21: I had a description of a Caucasian male, wearing a top hot and black clothing. I asked him for the text chat proof (He explained that it was said over text chat) and he failed to provide the matching description, he provided this -

[LOOC] Dayun: [Government Radio] Mike Dous: Reportedto be driving a black Merc[Government Radio] Takeshi Yamaguchi: Medic is on stanby[Go
[LOOC] Aquaa: No
$10 - $4 (income tax) from your unemployment check has been deposited into your bank account.
[LOOC] Sam: it was a tesla not a merc
[LOOC] Dayun: [Government Radio] Billy Harrison: I saw one. He is in the Regals praking lot.
[LOOC] Aquaa: I want the visual description

Since he failed to provide the text chat evidence of Bean Can matching the "given" description, I'm going to assume that he is lying, meaning in character, he lied to a senior officer which is provision of false information which completely threw off the investigation and broke rule 4.1, because he was directly breaking a law.

1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour
Disrespectful behaviour, in its broadest sense, is not acceptable; users are expected to conduct themselves respectfully at all times.

Usually I don't give one about someone disrespecting me oocly, but when he disrespecting me after I treated him fairly in an OOC sit triggered me :booty:

[LOOC] [FTG] Freedor21: Stfu and look at the fucking chat (After he provided me with useless information proving that he was lying)

Evidence (Demo Required): Not needed, can fetch it if needed!
Tick: N/A
Funny how you cut out the description, so I am here to provide it:
[Local] Jaxon Newton: Not sure they were driving a black merc one had an rifle and other had pistol both wearing black
Also, I wouldn't have to break 1.1 if you repeatedly ignored me and the other officer who kept providing the evidence, and it gets really annoying everytime I say "listen to me" you say no. And I would also like to know how you were affiliated with the people in the vehicle and why they mattered? It was about you in that situation, not them.
@[FTG] Freedor21, I didn't include that description because it didn't matter. I was asking about the exact description of Bean can that you gave us, which appears that you didn't even get. I already answered your question, I am friends with them. I didn't try to involve them, so you're taking things out of context, in fact thats what I was arguing against.
@[FTG] Freedor21, I didn't include that description because it didn't matter. I was asking about the exact description of Bean can that you gave us, which appears that you didn't even get. I already answered your question, I am friends with them. I didn't try to involve them, so you're taking things out of context, in fact thats what I was arguing against.
"Didn't try to involve them"
[LOOC] Aquaa: and I want to know the exact description you received
[LOOC] Aquaa: give me evidence
[LOOC] Aquaa: of the description you gave me. (Referring to the people in the car over and over and over again)
(Insert description from above here)

This is just silly, make a police complaint.​
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