[Suggestion] Change to rule 1.4.

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That place.
What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 1.4
Your version of the rule: Make this rule more understandable.
Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Because recently my fellas I've been SB banned because I want to start trouble by posting Links that spoils shows and telling people to enter at their own risk, anyways To the real point, Make this shit more understandable, Because apparently when a fella talks about Politics, Religion and Controversial topics its normal, when Uhm posting links that nobody gives a shit to, is causing trouble, fix it, thanks.

Note: On phone and the Mods caused me trouble cause they made me write this and hurt my skinny weak fragile girly fingers. So ban them for 1.4.

You're trying to relate the discussion of controversial topics to things like 'going out of your way to spoil a TV show for another community member'.


The reason you were 'causing problems' is not due to the spoilers, but plainly: if your messages are deleted by a staff member and you re-post them, that is directly insubordinate. That's similar to being warned for shooting someone randomly then doing it again as soon as you're put back into RP.

You'll have to present a far more relevant argument for anyone to buy this. It's questionable as to why you're causing such a stir because you went out of your way to ruin someone's day, defied the administration by doing it again, and got what you had coming to you for doing so.

Have difficulty understanding the rule? Everyone can cope with a more simple one - "don't be a douche".

You're trying to relate the discussion of controversial topics to things like 'going out of your way to spoil a TV show for another community member'.


The reason you were 'causing problems' is not due to the spoilers, but plainly: if your messages are deleted by a staff member and you re-post them, that is directly insubordinate. That's similar to being warned for shooting someone randomly then doing it again as soon as you're put back into RP.

You'll have to present a far more relevant argument for anyone to buy this. It's questionable as to why you're causing such a stir because you went out of your way to ruin someone's day, defied the administration by doing it again, and got what you had coming to you for doing so.

Have difficulty understanding the rule? Everyone can cope with a more simple one - "don't be a douche".

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