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I feel that the server SHOULD stay up but that the admins dont ban people for no intention to RP at the points in time where its impossible to RP instead they should state what rules were broken and not PERM them IMO as how the fuck could you RP yesterday. i understand that the staff want to punish the people and i agree but seriously a perm for no intention to RP when its impossible
I understand that you wanted to fuck around because half of the server functions did not work.

But when you continue being stupid even after staff announces it around 20 times it your own fault for getting punished by it.

And bringing the classic "everyone did it" doesent really make a great argument.

I agree with you Youssef, however i find it very lame that people got perma banned for "not here to rp" in such circumstances. I believe a warning, or a 1 day ban wouldve been a better option
As the staff team has said a numerous amount of times, punishment is up to a staff members discretion.

And an apology which is yet to be made by everyone has a extremely high chance of getting accepted.
the issue i think he has is the reason as tbh HOW COULD YOU RP its like giving a man an unloaded gun and telling him to shoot you then getting him arrested for attempted murder
I honestly don't see why these people are banned.
When a server is not working any more and there is no way of comunnicating, how do you RP? Maybe @Youseff knows the answer but I don't
Perpheads before you start banning people for there mistakes make sure you fix your own faults.
I think you scared them enough now unban them please.
Because if you don't you are gonna lose some great roleplayers.

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the issue i think he has is the reason as tbh HOW COULD YOU RP its like giving a man an unloaded gun and telling him to shoot you then getting him arrested for attempted murder
If you cannot RP in this enviroment then just leave until the server is fixed instead of ruining others roleplay. The staff team said The rules ARE being enforced, if you dont understand that basic sentence idk what to say honestly.
If you cannot RP in this enviroment then just leave until the server is fixed instead of ruining others roleplay. The staff team said The rules ARE being enforced, if you dont understand that basic sentence idk what to say honestly.
LOL ruining others roleplay i think the server did that when it decided to commit suicide and B HOW THEY KNOW IT WAS THE STAFF
LOL ruining others roleplay i think the server did that when it decided to commit suicide and B HOW THEY KNOW IT WAS THE STAFF

What he is trying to say is, how did the staff communicate with their players. Where did they told you that you should keep on rping. Anyways, i think the main point here is that some of the 'rulebreakers' went too far, and i believe a punishment should be in place, but permanent is a step too far. However i think this discussion can be closed now since its pointless and not gonna change anything
I feel that the server SHOULD stay up but that the admins dont ban people for no intention to RP at the points in time where its impossible to RP instead they should state what rules were broken and not PERM them IMO as how the fuck could you RP yesterday. i understand that the staff want to punish the people and i agree but seriously a perm for no intention to RP when its impossible

as youseff said multiple times, how strict staff enforce the rules and what punishment they give for any breakage is their own discretion, I absolutely hate that word, but it's there and I do not see it go... it's their discretion, and as youseff also said they made clear that the rules were still in place....

the issue i think he has is the reason as tbh HOW COULD YOU RP its like giving a man an unloaded gun and telling him to shoot you then getting him arrested for attempted murder
that comparison does not make sense at all, you are basicly implying that when functions on the server dont work that you are entitled to break rules? like you have no choice and you are being told to do so?

LOL ruining others roleplay i think the server did that when it decided to commit suicide and B HOW THEY KNOW IT WAS THE STAFF

how do you regularly know staff is there and people are staff? you just know, even when they are in disguise have I never had a problem seeing wether staff is present or not. and for the server, shit happens but that does not mean people are entitled on making shit worse by minging the fuck out of an already fucked up situation.
how do you regularly know staff is there and people are staff? you just know, even when they are in disguise have I never had a problem seeing wether staff is present or not. and for the server, shit happens but that does not mean people are entitled on making shit worse by minging the fuck out of an already fucked up situation.

What im saying is How did people KNOW it was staffi n the chat
Since when is the server not a mingefest?

They can minge, until they break rules. Then they get ban. Ban means no play. No play means one less minge. just do drugs or something
I honestly do not understand the thought process of some of the people in this thread, especially the people who have been here for a long time.
Staff had said multiple times they were still enforcing the rules, if anyone had actually read the AR that got all those people banned. So under no circumstance did they do anything that was remotely approved by the staff team, unless of course the staff team online at the time said breaking the rules was fine, which they didn't I have no doubt.
The people banned got what was coming to them, if anything it showed their true colors and for people moaning about their ban lengths, thank god there is a staff complaint and ban appeal section.
This entire thread is pointless because we all know what they did was wrong. Nothing can be used to excuse their behavior, broken server or not.
There's no need for a big post in response here. Rules are rules and there's little room for flexibility because if we let standards slip once at the whim of the members they will continue to slide.

At the time of the incident it was made very clear that the rules were still being enforced, and if you observe the preface to the rules you will understand that there is no exception to this.

The bans given are proportionate to what happened and when these people are ready to submit a proper apology I am certain factors such as the ones you describe are going to influence the outcomes.

You've had your discussion, thread locked.
This thread makes no sense to me, even though the server is slightly broken at the moment we will still enforce the rules like nothing has happened. I honestly don't see the point of this reply;
I honestly don't see why these people are banned.
When a server is not working any more and there is no way of comunnicating, how do you RP? Maybe @Youseff knows the answer but I don't
Perpheads before you start banning people for there mistakes make sure you fix your own faults.
I think you scared them enough now unban them please.
Because if you don't you are gonna lose some great roleplayers.

What do you even mean there's no way for people to communicate? Literally there's a chat for everyone to type it and I haven't had any issues with voice chat since Saturday night so I really don't get what you mean?

Also what the hell do you even mean with break the corruption chain? We're not corrupt in any form of way? Do you even know what you're saying?
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