Scripted events on PH?

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I was playing Shadow of Mordor and started thinking
"wow i sure like these cool scripted events, BUT wouldn't it be very COOL if PERPHEADS did the same"?

These events dont have to be big where it takes days to make, but smaller ones that take a little planning.

+ during these events u will lose nothing

what r ur opinions n?
Not sure if a power struggle between Orc Captains fits the Perpheads narrative but I'm game for anything really.
I wish there were random fires that spawned in certain places while firemen were on duty so they wouldn't be borderline useless. maybe a fire in a place that doesn't spread and isn't able to be bought every 10-30 minutes.
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Now I believe there is a big grass area next to farm where events have been hosted there is the past. I have seen screenshots of football and other fun stuff up there and turns out its still there in V4 and its still usable.
Maybe there could be scripted events hosted there maybe every 30 minutes to 1-2 hours? Im also going to tag @StephenPuffs and @Fredy in this as they are the geniuses when it comes to coding.
Now I believe there is a big grass area next to farm where events have been hosted there is the past. I have seen screenshots of football and other fun stuff up there and turns out its still there in V4 and its still usable.
Maybe there could be scripted events hosted there maybe every 30 minutes to 1-2 hours? Im also going to tag @StephenPuffs and @Fredy in this as they are the geniuses when it comes to coding.
"Admin Land" or just "flatgrass" has been used for a lot of stuff in the past such as events, if you'd ever want scripted events on there I suppose coming with ideas regarding it would be a good idea. Having ideas of what events that could be there and such.
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By scripted ideas, I mean scripted roleplay situations throughout the whole map
By scripted ideas, I mean scripted roleplay situations throughout the whole map
i remember old perp having tornadoes and stuff, things like extreme weather would maybe be nice? Cop sirens everywhere alerting people to go inside and stuff.