The real reason "perp is dying"

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North East
With aarons absoloutely barbaric memery and the general consensus that "perp is dying" (citation needed,) I feel like I must for one minute put aside the memes and try to explain my theory.

The key word here is respect (@Nade Alardin). Back when I joined, for the most part, things were similar to how they are now. People were raiding, basing and having a good time. The only difference is that everyone had respect for each other. Regardless of the outcome of a raid everyone had fun and that is what mattered. Not the victory, or the loss, or the potential rulebreaks. Just the fact that everything was done to have fun.

This sounds absurdly cheesy but I really feel like the players were united, they all had the same common goal which was to have fun and make some money. It was not the basing all day or the raiding that really made it fun though. It was the personalities that made perp. Fun orgs like marmite brought a new aspect to the server. Sure, it was not everyone's cup of tea but did they get constant hate the like of which some are throwing at olsen? No. They didn't. Why? Because people respected the way they played. People respected the players and the community worked together to create a fun but serious enviroment where people could come to hang out with friends and relax.

There was never any significant "serious" roleplay. The majority of what happened was jokey / light hearted stuff designed to ensure that everyone had a good time. People messed about and had fun, but everyone felt like they could laugh along because there were few OOC feuds. People used the limited tools of the source engine to be creative and ensure everyone was having a good time.

We stand now as a community heavily divided. People don't know each other like they used to and there's a lack of respect between players. Take this extremely cheesy and excessively long rant as whatever you want, but I just feel like I had to point this out.

The change to the community is not the fault of one person, but the way we view each other.
Staff team and community are divided, people within the community are divided and the staff team are divided within themselves.

I wish I played at a time of no salty AR's, no :beef: and just being able to come on make a minor mistake and know I'm not going to get banned for 3mo's. Community is filled with salty children. <- Including me lmfao
the good people left and got replaced by toxic kids who are just keyboard warriors, simple as that.
It's not just the way we view eachother its the way staff view us or the way we view staff, a lack of communication, excessive bans, petty ARS, staff not telling mistake or intentionality, and its not just that there is pressure on staff too.. its increasing toxicity in the playerbase and the sweaters who join, they see and soak all this in, so this how they accept is the behaviour on the server, and use it their own contributing to the problem as a whole, probably leaving after a while. Quiittee A lot of bans are still active, what does that say to you? I don't know what it was like in the "golden days" so I can't say much, but just leaving my thoughts on the situation as it is.
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the good people left and got replaced by toxic kids who are just keyboard warriors, simple as that.

The old players became toxic too. Take a look at any thread today, it's just :beef: and fighting and shitting on each other. We as a community have become cancerous and it's rather sad to see. It's not just how the staff treat us and how we treat the staff, it's how we all interact as a whole. And it's shit, it really is.
To gain respect you need to give respect, and we don't do that we just shit talk each other and cause :beef:
I miss the massive organisation wars that were publicly announced on the respective org's pages, I dislike how the rules that were put in place removed the community's ability to post provocative images or videos onto their enemies organisation pages, it was fun and entertaining to sit back and watch the entire thing unfold, or be apart of the wars and posts to taunt other players but despite this
everyone had respect for each other
In which I believe just made the entire thing even more fun, because despite the mass postings of threats and such, you knew that the people throwing the shit and receiving the shit still had respect for their enemies.. it made the server feel as if it had a very strong community, in which I think it has dwindled down due to the loss of this aspect.
As a toxic keyboard warrior, i think there is no problem. If you don't want to play, don't play. It's a game. It really doesn't matter that much, and a million posts saying "oof perps dying because everyones toxic including me!!" will change much. Here's a real fix;

Remove zing.
Things could have been done to fix this, IN MY OPINION certain "petty ars" were allowed through and people were punished creating a sense of distaste towards other members of the community. With nothing done about it this continued until more people didn't like eachother. The staff team was an easy target and in some ways, I feel like they left themselves open to this hate.

There are various reasons why "perp is dying" but steps could have been taken to prevent this. The playerbase clearly wasn't here for the "serious rp" and more the semi serious light hearted rp where people had fun with friends and the server was going in one direction while the playerbase was going in the other. Steps could have been taken to help this and I think IF the server had pivoted towards the semi serious, light hearted RP then we would of had any problems. Steps could have been taken if people actually took concerns into account and didn't pass them off as "Salty person who is mad" or saying things like "perp never guna die its because holiday!!!" when if you compared statistics there was a decline that was never addressed.
PERP Isn't dying its just all you new salty kids blame it on other things such as "MrLewis or Olsen", it happens every year so.
I just feel beef amongst members of the community spoils it. Everyone will have their different theories, some say it is down to organisations being too powerful and stopping people having fun, but honestly I think it is just a little divided now compared to what it used to be, which is really sad.

One thing I noticed when I came back for a couple of weeks not so long ago is how no one seemed to have the personality they used to have. As @Exrobite quite rightly said, most people seemed to have the same ambition and plans for their future. Unfortunately, once those ambitions have been met, people seem to just lose their way a little. That's sort of what I felt, but that's just from my experience.

I don't know, this thread will easily become a great point of discussion.. Everyone is gonna have their theories about why players have declined, but really people should be working on how to get players back in and more interested instead of worrying.
There was never any significant "serious" roleplay. The majority of what happened was jokey / light hearted stuff designed to ensure that everyone had a good time. People messed about and had fun, but everyone felt like they could laugh along because there were few OOC feuds. People used the limited tools of the source engine to be creative and ensure everyone was having a good time.

Its up to each player to do their partake if they are interesting in roleplaying anything other then cops and robbers. Plenty of times have i done stuff like making hobo houses, selling fish or even selling dolphin dildo's and stupid shit like that just to get a laugh out of it. Or crashing party's as a mayor, acting drunk and violent... etc. Maybe its because at some point i was just done with making 'money' since its not worth wasting it on a new stupid car?
On phone, my point of view.

I usually play as a cop, other times I like to drive and raid with my org buddies.
The thing that tears the community apart is the lust for in game currency.

Lost your m4?
Move on.

Other things I experience are people that display hate towards me and other people in OOC if you do bad to them IC.
They tell you mean things and how you are not friends anymore.

TL;DR Just have fun doing what you do, discover new ways to have fun, and don't care about money.
Do not bring your IC hate to the guy across the computer screen, he is just there to potray his character.

Thank you.
The thing is aswell people take all their toxicity onto the forums or in OOC why cant people just keep quiet or if they have a problem with someone take it into DM's.
Here's the real reason. Back in 2013-15 nobody gave a shit what you did or whatever anybody else did, you just got up and moved on, Molotov'd randomly? DC, now for leaving when you get randomly Molotov your shop and then you have to make a refund request, wait a few weeks to get your 30 M4A1's back but then also get banned for leaving a RP situation.

even selling dolphin dildo's and stupid shit like that just to get a laugh out of it
Not being funny, can the SEX RP stop, kids play and I'm in the living room so my parents may see and its fucking vulgar.

There's no division in the staff team with the community, I'll tell you straight, theirs a difference between division and salty kids in the community.
Honestly, you're right.

It's been so fucking long since I've actually had an enjoyable moment on perp, I hardly play anymore.
Partly because olsen runs around raiding everyone and causing massive beef ingame, the good and well known guys left the community or got com-banned for stupid shit.

@obidan66 I heard you returned for a while, haven't seen you since. But you know what quality roleplay is, shame it's been ruined by all the toxicity.
@Ben Lockwood Great lad and did a lot of notable things as a staff member.
Ben Standish whom are no longer available on the forums, but also did a lot of things for the newer players.
@Robin Ljungberg for running the most enjoyable organizations such as Avitos or La Cosa Nostra. Which mind you wasn't about skill or how many hours you put into the server, but loyalty for the most part.
@John Daymon for being so god damn peristent about making any kind of progression in the community, and also for sticking to the way the community flows.

And there are a lot more people who made perp the most enjoyable back in 2015 and further, however these were the people that stood out to me the most. And It'll take me a long time to forget for as long as I'm on the forums.

Right now the server is far too serious, there's no more treating it like it's a game. I've come across multiple unnamed staff members who have taken situations to the word, and it's a bitch when you're simply trying to cause situations which could be enjoyed by others.
I've tried numerous times to call the fire department and roadcrew by utilizing a glorious bug with the BMW 507, having it hang off the side of the car garage while awaiting help, acting as if it was accidentally driven off the side and hanging onto the broken wall, etc.
Yet a staff member passes by, sees this and just puts me back on the ground again without a care in the world.

Fire department has nothing to do but patrol in their shitey dodge ram, and roadcrew sit on their ass all day either waiting for a call, or someone to arrive at their station for repairs, it's honestly the two least enjoyable jobs there are.

Courier has been spiced up and would have worked flawlessly back in 2013-15 to bring even more people together.
I honestly don't know anymore, people are right about perp dying. Back in 2015 I had to spam 'join', or set myselt to a queue to join the server, now I hardly see anyone on the streets, or trying to do any kind of gang related roleplay.
Every corner I take it's either RTU, TFU or a CPT or LT trying to find anything to give me a ticket for, or arrest me for.

Back in 2015 and further, it was up to the officer if they wanted to do that, and most cops enjoyed acting like police, now it's a real police force and it's honestly really dull and boring. But without the whitelist system now, we would still see a random sweatercop doing whatever the hell he wants.

To be honest, criminals have become a lot like the military, strategizing and communicating like a police force with code words, etc.
It just isn't realistic anymore.

Also, if you don't like the old days then suck a fat one, it was the best. I wasn't around for V1, but I sure as hell would have loved it.

I forgot to mention @Bullyreece cause when you ran The Davidsons it was most enjoyable moment of perp, ever.
Here have a video I recorded from the meeting.
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I think that the image of perp has changed so much from as @Walker quoted: "semi serious light hearted rp" to a game where you only care about your money cars and guns. Of course it has always been important for everyone to have a lot of money, but i think it got more important over time, and now its like the only thing that really matters to a lot of people. I never see any semi serious light hearted rp no more (and with that i mean an org as marmite). The orgs like paralake pengiunship and their ideals ruined it for me.
People stop playing prob cause u cant make ez money without getting raided. "Just grab a gun and shoot them" ...with what money. Nah but fr its prob cause all the beef and salt people create because of them being raided a bunch or just how the rules are enforced. imo :writing:
Personally I do not think olsen is ruining the server, it is the attitude towards Olsen that is. If you win or lose a raid you still had fun but you lost. That doesn't mean you can't get a bit heated because some "sweats" do get salty. I just have fun and shoot back whether win or lose, just listen to some music n have a good time.
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