Is PERP actually dying?

All this thread has taught me is that the forums will never die with the amount of people that like to come on it with the pure intent of complaining lol
it's not dying, its sum players got bored or left to deal with their life's problems or activities etc ... it will get better sooner or later
Is perp dead ? meh not been around long enough to say myself but been on long enough to know who the 'regulars' are. Currently logging on to see 0 Org members if lucky its @[KDG]Dom_ as TFU or @Blicky doing PD shit powergrowing like a virgin. Ly Blickstar <3

As I'm a bit of a Perp slut I'm friends with the majority of the server and I hear the same shit everyday:
  • 'TFU is op'
  • 'Recoil is retarded'
  • 'Regals is shit'
  • 'Staff are one sided'

Issue is, most people take it to the forums instead of making a suggestion/policy change - I mean I can see why, staff tend to shut you down with points (not always true lmao) that can lead to a newer player feeling stupid or as if the staff team is against him. Communication between staff team and the community is trash right now and it feels as if its us Vs the Staff team - it should never be like that. Simply stating an opinion seems impossible without an all out war starting.

Like I said I'm a newer player so probably going to get bullied off of this post by people with a green icon <3 jks ly staff team don't ban me
in my eyes not to disrespect the owners or anything
the over hype on every update with the shit outcome is what makes people leave the server the no change and doing the same thing over and over again is why people leave.
why would someone sit and grow when he got everything he needs and can afford everything, when i played there was simply no one to raid bazaar is full of shit with people afk doing nothing and per usual full police slots.
no shit its dying
I fully agree with @Silent 's post i think the server needs a really good update but on the other hand a lot of people hate change and want to stay original with what we had because they can't (and i can't) stand change. I think most people who don't play anymore is probably because it's repetitive/ an endless cycle of growing, and grinding for a cars and guns. I think to increase player count is to come out with a outstanding update (eventhough the recent one was alright) and make things fair with players/community (no harsh bans for something so small).imo
I think we need another "Firearms Update". That brought loads of players and had people wanting to craft and test out the new weapons.
More weapons would be nice that are less expensive because most common guns used right now (Assault Rifle wise) is M4,AK,M16. There needs to be a cheap but viable, attractive and unique set of weapons.
Personally, the mags have made most weapons practically useless. Why go through thick and thin to get SIG mags when you can just have 10 M4 mags in a trip to bazaar that works on 3+ guns.
Have some guns (like the old guns sako etc) be viable for the same magazine aka Sako and AK mags.
Wouldn't personally say that the server is dying, but I feel like the thing that some people see as the server dying, is just a new generation of players. And what's wrong with a new generation?

I can personally say that the reason why I quit perp was because I finally got bored of the money making. The spending countless hours growing, making good money, but being bored most of the time. Or the load of hours I would play as a cop, doing my best to make some good money, but i just felt like it took too much time compared to what i got in return. The PLPD system is great and all, but for me it ended out being too much of a "job" instead of something that I just did when I had the time and wanted to.

I think the main issue currently is that you'll be spending so many hours making money, one way or another, but you just don't feel like there's enough to spend that money on. That's how I felt. I wanted to grind for so long to save up for a supercar, but when you then got it, then, well, that was it. Then you had to find something else to grind for. I think that adding more jobs to the server, as well as adding more ways to spend your money would make it more attractive for new players to stick around, as well as bring back some oldies.

That's just how I see it.
This community is not inviting to a lot of new players due to the toxicity of the playerbase.

All we get is darkrp nerds who are accustomed to cancer in ooc and general toxicity.

Sorry I mean perp is dead because I was a staff member
Why have a problem with them, they were all in our position once and grew some balls and thought for them selves im sure @Feng Yamaguchi would give a big paragraph on how you are factually wrong? I know this comment was a joke but just pisses me off, grow some balls, buy a gun, build a defense and don't be a pussy and try fight for your shit.

(Replied because I went over the 300 character limit)
loejseren is in olsen, dumb rock

with phone yek