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Birmingham, United Kingdom
"Rule 1.1 - Disrespectful behaviour."

I find as an officer im the target of alot of abuse IC and all is never ment personally - most of the time - But i believe theyre should be a line drawn to where you cant be that disrespectful to someone. It can sometimes discourage me from playing PERP, and IK a few it affects too. Especially the Younger audiences. Personally, i can hate coming on somedays. Just for the fact that ik i can come of feeling miserable and sad. The amout of swearing and abuse i can get during one traffic stop, or even off duty is insane. I understand how it is IC, but too mutch is too mutch. I cant stand the amount of hate and abuse i get some days, Some can be harmless and fine as its withing character. But in other situations it can be centered more personally - For me i find it hard to play somedays, and ive always wanted to discuss this and hopefully get something changed to stop this. I know this post will get hate, but i love PERP, all the players and friends ive made over here. But Now its just me coming on a being called "Sqeeky cunt" Over and over again all day, That being one of the more mild things.
You're lucky Ezrider isn't around because he was 10x worse than anyone. You just gotta think, "why are they doing it?" What is more amusing to you, winding up a cop or seeing a cop not get annoyed and you waste your own time on trying to annoy a cop with no reaction. Obviously the former, just put on a monotone voice and continue as if you are speaking to a normal person.
It's the internet, you just gotta grow up and deal with it. If it's OOC, make a complaint, if they're doing it to you as a cop, be a dick back and ticket them, if they continue then escalate it. At the end of the day you'll have the last laugh as you put them in jail whilst they're screaming.
Not gonna lie , it does get pretty annoying and quite sad when people should at you saying "YOUR A FUCKING SQUEAKER", "HOW OLD ARE YOU" I think those two sentences and many others should be banned while roleplaying because you wouldn't go up to a police officer saying "YOUR A FUCKING SQUEAKER, HOW OLD ARE YOU?" or just anyone irl tbh...

Let's try to cheer you up ay?


I'm apart of the squad, who else is?
I remember today Damien Wylde (while he was cop) told me to hit puberty and come back, it is so funny shooting them afterwards.(for a genuine non-bias reason I promise)
I agree with everyone, and a lot of it is never meant personally, but some is and it's taken personally by some. i think the line is when you just go over the top, and out of your way just to ruin the experience for others. Witch ok some do. I have people who will shout abuse during a traffic stop or other situations that isn't personal, or doesn't cross that 'line' and it's fine. I will see the person off duty and hey won't go out of there way to annoy me or shout at me. It's usually done within Character, and doesn't cross the line. But I believe 1.1 should definitely go in more depth of what's acceptable and what isn't.
I cant stand the amount of hate and abuse i get some days, Some can be harmless and fine as its withing character. But in other situations it can be centered more personally - For me i find it hard to play somedays, and ive always wanted to discuss this and hopefully get something changed to stop this. I know this post will get hate, but i love PERP, all the players and friends ive made over here. But Now its just me coming on a being called "Sqeeky cunt" Over and over again all day, That being one of the more mild things.

That's what comes with the job. You have to realize that it's just a game and people are messing around, people don't really mean that to you as a person yourself. Having a young voice is just something people use to pick at you. Your voice has no ability on how you play a video game at all, I've met platinums in Siege that are 11-12.

If you're having a bad day don't hop on the server at all, play another game you have fun with.

Or just be me and bomb-raid whoever is being toxic to you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's all IC like I told you several times when we were having an RP conversation.

My character does hate your character, simple as.

The fact that you put this after the situation
twitch.tv/fuzzygaming234 Chris Jenson STEAM_0:1:72160298 /loocI would have thought an admin and mod would nt be suchj a cunt 2017-09-16 01:29:22

really annoys me when you could've easily just brushed it off?
Or just accept that it's rp, and use it as an excuse to say whatever horrible shit you fucking want back to them without facing any real repercussions. (If you're an officer just stack charges and give max fines instead.)
I'm a genuine cunt towards literally everyone IC, and it's fucking great.
It's quite ez, they say something rude and I slap near maximum ticket on them, they do it again, I find another charge and further increase the ticket.
Ticket city never fails.
They never play with you again.
Works every time.
You have no idea how much people insulting you IC means to the server. When someone insults you whilst you are an officer it is normal, but if you are able to stay calm and deal with the situation professionally then that gives you a massive ego boost. You might even end up getting supports to go for enforcer, that is if you weren't a constant rule breaker of course. So no, I don't think they should stop because I think you need to be able to handle these situations. Not only will it help you on the server but it will also help you in real life situations. You never know :>
I agree with everyone that's it's IC, though I still believe there needs to be a cut-off line somewhere. Where you can't go out do you way just to ruin someone else's experience. 99% of the time I'm fine with it as its IC, but sometimes some people can go over the top.
Well one of the squeekers on the server sound like Mandy Edwards which is funny to take the piss out of, I've been through it myself when I was like 14 on PERP back in day, just gotta get used to it.
ive honestly got one reaction to this thread

if you cant handle shit talking on the internet you are in the wrong place, once you leave the server when @Husky was screaming at you while you ticket him for 30 minutes mean? Nothing.
I understand 99% is IC. And i get that, and thats fine. When its not fine is when its no longer really IC. As someone wouldn't go up to a cop IRL shouting at them your so squeaky you like 4 how did you become a cop. Im fine with anything like that when its kept IC and Realistic. But there are few who take it slightly too far.
It's all IC like I told you several times when we were having an RP conversation.

My character does hate your character, simple as.

The fact that you put this after the situation
twitch.tv/fuzzygaming234 Chris Jenson STEAM_0:1:72160298 /loocI would have thought an admin and mod would nt be suchj a cunt 2017-09-16 01:29:22

really annoys me when you could've easily just brushed it off?
I understand yours was kept IC, and your not the one i was directing any of this at. I just found it slightly annoying how rude you were, and thought an admin wouldn't be like that. Though, yours was kept IC, and wasnt about my voice or age etc.