Iam officially ,,dead man walking"

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So, couple weeks ago. They diagnosed me multiple organ failure which got discovered by me vomiting blood. They ran tests and I hoped that I could stay alive until I will be 18. Sadly that isnt happening. I have 6 months. My current situation is complicated, Iam depressed most of the times and I dont see any way out than kms. Iam thinking about what will happen if I die and who will care when I will be gone. Mostly people from PH might be happy since the ,,hacker"is gone.

PS: What happens if I drink 4 coffe"s, 4 red bulls, gonna smoke 2 packets of ciggaretes? ( gonna find out lmao.)

Thanks for having a great time last these days, even I dont have much time left. I hope everyone is happy :) cya.
Man it was nice playing with you.Glad I could atleast kinda help with your other situation which I will not tell unless you want me to.No one will be happy when you die and even if they are,they're fucking sick.Hope you get better man
Killing yourself is never the way out of it.
Live your day like you want the rest of your days to be and find as much hope as possible. I know it can be hard, trust me.
There is still people who loves and wants to do anything for you, try and have a talk with them about the things that is going on in your life right now

Wheres the sad rating? :(
I wish I was able to help you somehow but you know, I live in Finland, what can I do? We have had lots of fun in GMOD and PUBG. I hope something happens and you get well.

I wish I was terminally ill so I knew when I could finally join my harem of waifus in heaven

You're 22 and you post shit like that to post like this. Wouldn't be suprised if you had some mental disabilities.
Instead of doing drinks and smokes try doing weed instead. Edibles are especially powerful and it only takes a very small amount due to THC9 converting into THC11 when consumed and thus it's a lot stronger then smoking. It will help you keep the edge off and also reduces chronic pain.

if you don't use oxycodone already ask your doc to prescribe it for you, its a very strong pain killer.

Wish you the best
I haven't had the chance to meet you, but you seem like a friendly person and please get the most out of the time you have left here.
Stay safe!
If you ever need someone, feel free to add me!.
Suicide is an option for losers. Life is a challenge, and if you're faced with a disease, that means you're chosen and you're special for being able to go through it.
You'd think all your bullies and haters would laugh once you kill yourself, but that's not true. It's all fun and games until somebody dies. Even with your organ failure, there's still a chance. Grasp on it and you could succeed, besides, yolo, so isn't it worht a try? :)
Yo wtf. I never had interaction with you ingame i dont know you and you dont know me. But its sad to read when someone only has a limited time of his life to spend/sad to see when someone knows when he going to die. Spend that time carefully and i wish you the best 6 months of your live
Also, what i recommend doing is making a bucket list and a kickstarter to support it. Usually these things work well and you'll have something to remember incase your soul lives on after death, or at least you won't feel as sad when you die.
Im really sorry to hear about this. My stephdad, wich I am very close to, just like my real dad. Got cancer. It started to get really bad, they couldn't find anyone with the same type of lung that he had. So it all looked dark. And I know the feeling, that tham im about to die, but a close family member. Everything I did felt like it was no point of doing it.

How I got help was by talking to close friends of mine. They made me feel good at the time atleast.
It just went darker and darker. I saw pictures of him in the hospital getting food via tubes.

But then, they found a matching lung that was avaiable.

This story might seem to be wierd but my point is that when everything looks bad and it feels like it is the end. Keep pushing!
I don't know it seems fishy...

But oh well not gonna stir up some shit; If you're actually dying take all your savings and go do stuff in your life, visit lots of cities and do whatever you want, if you now actually have that little time left... still odd
When you told me this I thought it was just a meme/joke and I wasn't properly taking you seriously due to how down to earth you are and how it was so sudden, my best bit of advice and I know that means fuck all is to quit playing games and spend as much time with family and friends as possible. :) If you need a talk message me on steam <3
I'm pretty sure multiple organ failure really isn't a long term thing - correct me if I'm wrong - unless you have some sort of complication which causes sepsis to be much more frequent or something, or you have a long term disease which destroys organs, in which case it's worded incorrectly. If you had multiple organ failure, you'd either be in the ICU RIGHT NOW or dead. I'll look into it further, but it seems a bit strange.

Either way, if it is true, you shouldn't be playing PERP. Make the most of the rest of your life. Spend it with family and REAL friends.
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I'm pretty sure multiple organ failure really isn't a long term thing - correct me if I'm wrong - unless you have some sort of complication which causes sepsis to be much more frequent or something. I'll look into it further, but it seems a bit strange.

doctor sorle

@How do i quickscope? At all times you should spend time with your family friends, simply the people you love, whatever you do do not play perp, I am here to ban you if you want me to just to keep your thoughts away from perp, your friends and loved ones probably want to spend as much time as possible with you, it is your responsibility for that to happen and you have so little time where you can do so much!
I'm pretty sure if you ban him he'll just play pubg or some other game and wish he could play perp and then he passes away and everyone will blame Daymon for not letting him spend his last moments in this awesome community.
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