Server Suggestion [Suggestion] Firefighter / EMS

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Main Idea: Rework the way the two jobs Firefighter and Paramedic works

Full description of the idea:
In short, the current system for EMS makes the firefighters completely obsolete.

Items & Vehicles
Firefighters and paramedics should receive bandages upon applying, and can be re-stocked at the NPC they were hired at.

FF should also receive equipment to use that reduces the speed of which an unconscious person bleeds out at. They cannot be kept alive for longer than 4 minutes of their unconscious time, the last minute is spent dead.
(A person will not receive a longer respawn time, it simply takes them longer to go from red to black screen. This means that paramedics are not obsolete either. A firefighter keeping an unconscious person alive longer could literally be the difference between a separate suspect escaping or being caught by police due to critical information that would be exchanged between police and victim)

Implement a trunk system in all vehicles for both emergency services, these trunks should by default be loaded with simple traffic cones in case of road hazards, as well as an extra 5 bandages.

Medkits should only be able to carry 4-6 charges and give less health to anyone, and must be replenished at a nearby hospital/fire department by talking to the job NPC, or a loaded vehicle by simply accessing the trunk
(The reason why I'm suggesting this change is due to the fact that paramedics can constantly spam-heal cops in a raid, and this also heals roughly 75 HP)

Firefighter first response vehicles should receive a boost in performance to match the paramedics prius first response as well.
(It doesn't make sense to have a slow first response vehicle, it's even slower than the fire truck as well)

All emergency vehicles by EMS and FF can only resupply your medkit twice at all times. You must return to station in order to resupply the vehicle.
(In order to resupply, re-spawn your vehicle or other resupply system, this is up to the developers to decide on how they want to implement this, if accepted at all)

A person should not be able to be revived more than once in any 10 minute period.
(This leads to the victim quickly going from unconscious to dead in a matter of seconds, they will still spend 5 minutes dead, a firefighter cannot keep the player alive after this) [A staff member can resurrect the player and reset this limit]

Light or medium body armor for paramedics
(It's as simple as it sounds, with increased crime rate in PL, it's only reasonable for paramedics to receive protection from extended exposure to violent crimes)

Vehicle suggestions
Firefighters: GMC syclone to become the first response vehicle as opposed to the Dodge ram.
(This vehicle is more nimble, smaller and serves the same purpose)

EMS: No vehicle suggestion.

Firefighters need to interact with a nearby fire hydrant in order to connect their fire hose to it.
You will also need to do this for the firetruck. [Just hit E]
(You have to do this in real life, why not do it here?)

Medkits: Heal yourself with right click
(this is balanced by the suggested limited-use system)

Firetruck: Limited water at disposal, you must return to the fire department in order to refill the fire engine.
(I find the fact that you can spray water for as long as you like, all day long a really unrealistic feature)

Wildfires: If a fire is left in a location for too long, it will eventually develop into an uncontrollable inferno, consuming either the entire apartment block, or causing most of the forest to burn down.
(Farm catches fire pretty often from various of different reasons, if it is left to develop, it should eventually spread to the forest and hicktown)

Maximum job positions increased from 2 to 3, and maximum vacant positions in which the mayor can set, to 6.
(Paramedic is a very common and semi-popular job, I find that the two job positions are often full early before peak time and shortly after peak time, and especially in peak times)

Dry and hot weather: An extremely rare chance for a fire to start in open fields, such as farm or the park. Only when temperatures exceed 40 or more.
(This gives firefighters something extra to respond to, but only rarely)

Fire station alarms:
Location and description of fire in progress
(Accurate and shorter response time)

Keys to respective government buildings.
(Paramedics should not be able to lock interior doors to hospital, firefighters however, should be able to due to the fire department's employee only vehicle bay)

Why should it be added?: Currently I feel that the two jobs are lacking in terms of content and gameplay.
There has been positive support on the discussion thread and people have been wanting an improvement for both jobs.

Pros: This as expected, should improve gameplay, and increase the amount of firefighters and EMS on-duty. I figure this will also make them more popular due to how immersive the jobs could potentially be.

Cons: It can get difficult for newer players to understand how this system works, much like PLPD and probationaries.

*Other additions: Senior ranks for players who have reached 1-3 months in-game playtime, with no extra benefits.

*Images: None
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Firefighters need to interact with a nearby fire hydrant in order to connect their fire hose to it.
You will also need to do this for the firetruck.
Firetruck: Limited water at disposal, you must return to the fire department in order to refill the fire engine.

Are these two suggestions not rather contradictory? If the firetruck would need to be connected to a fire hydrant, there should be no reason to limit the water supply, and force firefighters to refill the fire engine.

If the firetruck wouldn't need to be connected to a fire hydrant, but its water supply can be refilled at one, while having an unlimited supply if it's connected to one, that would make more sense.

Of course, you may have meant the idea to function like I just described, and I might've misunderstood it because of how you worded it, in which case I suggest that you try to word it a bit clearer.

I don't like the current way you just hit people with health packs and they're fine, there needs to be an extra element of roleplay when it comes to helping wounded people. We will be revising this system all together and possibly merging EMS with the fire service, etc.

Expect an update on this soon.
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