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So recently I have seen a lot of chat around the organization system and it's a topic that interests me because there's such a contrast in the way people utilise organizations now from when the organizations actually had beef and people had things to do in an organization. When I liked the org system was when organizations had around 5-8 Skilled players/Close players so loads of beef was formed between other good orgs with players who were close. It gave most action and fun and it was when rules weren't set in place for every action you take and so you have to act in a certain place so no one complained and it was just fun fair fights where people saved for guns to just mess other orgs up. What I see now is everyone wanting to be in one org so they can power grow in peace and then everyone raids with everyone and bases with everyone so I recently find raids and people go oh my mates there we cant raid that. I prefer it when people were like yeah let's raid it our friends are all in one place not, my friends are everyone on the server.

So the reason I created the thread I want to see peoples opinions on orgs, what way they like orgs, and how can orgs be improved by maybe how we utilize orgs or maybe a new system/rules are needed?
I just feel like the rules shouldn't be so strict like they are now.

Back in the day, everything was perfect, you had 3-5 big orgs fighting each other and actually having Wars, now it's just me and the org raiding people and killing cops every now and then.

Now, if u do something u might get banned for 3.4 lol, I would just say the rules restrict roleplay way too much. But that's just my opinion tho.
Rimlickers ruin shit, man the fuck up and fight an org to have a bit of fun playing the game, rather than cleaning someone's arse out for a whole month to try get in. I dont see how people find that shit fun.
Well.. How I see orgs right now. And basically this happening recently.
1. Server is dead only an org basing (Mostly friends)
2. Raid them whilst all the cops leave to go somewhere else (They were going to a raid, where somebody raided a sweater with rifles and all that)
3. Raid those friends.
4. Everyone on steam spams you with: "Snake", "Key raid" etc.
5. Threatens how they'll end up pounding our asses by teaming up with other orgs.

6. Profit.. you get to shoot.
Well.. How I see orgs right now. And basically this happening recently.
1. Server is dead only an org basing (Mostly friends)
2. Raid them whilst all the cops leave to go somewhere else (They were going to a raid, where somebody raided a sweater with rifles and all that)
3. Raid those friends.
4. Everyone on steam spams you with: "Snake", "Key raid" etc.
5. Threatens how they'll end up pounding our asses by teaming up with other orgs.

6. Profit.. you get to shoot.
honestly the people who were saying "i'll get dom to mass bomb him" and "i'll get cosa on him" were being fucking pathetic

like that just shows you can't handle shit yourself lol

if i still bothered with crim, i would pound your ass myself for raiding a mate but fuck if I care ooc
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What we did with our organisation called The Chosen Few, it was literally a few players selected to join the organisation, we ended up being 12 people until we decided to open applications when the server swapped to Paralake. In EvoCity we were the only organisation to take down organisations like S-Hooden because we all knew how to play with each other (I miss this @Naked Snake), that's what I want organisations to be, not a fucking aidsfest with major idiots in it.
What we did with our organisation called The Chosen Few, it was literally a few players selected to join the organisation, we ended up being 12 people until we decided to open applications when the server swapped to Paralake. In EvoCity we were the only organisation to take down organisations like S-Hooden because we all knew how to play with each other (I miss this @Naked Snake), that's what I want organisations to be, not a fucking aidsfest with major idiots in it.

Yeah, in the early days organisations didn't have 50 players in them each. For example, in The Chosen Few I remember having a meeting where we discussed our skills and weaknesses. We assigned roles to the members which made RP so much more interesting to what's going on now. The reason to why this isn't happening anymore is because people are so greedy. They'd rather stay in a base and grow there for hours and hours. Which isn't fun. And the OP defences just made it unrealistic and cancer.

Imo the best days of the organisations was when there was max 20 people in them, because more orgs caused more internal politics n shit.
Yeah, in the early days organisations didn't have 50 players in them each. For example, in The Chosen Few I remember having a meeting where we discussed our skills and weaknesses. We assigned roles to the members which made RP so much more interesting to what's going on now. The reason to why this isn't happening anymore is because people are so greedy. They'd rather stay in a base and grow there for hours and hours. Which isn't fun. And the OP defences just made it unrealistic and cancer.

Imo the best days of the organisations was when there was max 20 people in them, because more orgs caused more internal politics n shit.
We always had a vision to be a serious organisation and we were very strict with meetings and such which made the organisation great, now organisations are literally this; haha LOL! I WANNA MAKE AN ORG HAHA LOOK MY MONTAGE IS GREAT AND IM A REALLY GOOD SHOOTER!!!

There's no fucking RP in orgs and it sucks dick. What I liked with @LEWIS 088 organisation called The Corleone Family was that they actually listened to the critique they got, they made it an RP org in the end and got rid of the fucking idiots who only like guns.
the rules are so strict on citizen v citizen combat and people make ARs over anything why on earth would people want to fight each other

due to the way the rules are now enforced there is a very static way of dealing with every situation that arises and that involves simply killing someone or not because everything else you could possibly do is 2.5
the rules are so strict on citizen v citizen combat and people make ARs over anything why on earth would people want to fight each other

due to the way the rules are now enforced there is a very static way of dealing with every situation that arises and that involves simply killing someone or not because everything else you could possibly do is 2.5
I wouldn't complain on the rules, rather the players. In Evo if we had a war with another organisation it was full on war, no one gave a fucking shit if someone shot you down for nothing if you were in war with them, everyones so fucking salty over bullshit
I wouldn't complain on the rules, rather the players. In Evo if we had a war with another organisation it was full on war, no one gave a fucking shit if someone shot you down for nothing if you were in war with them, everyones so fucking salty over bullshit
and with an increasing level of salt over time, the staff members become harsher and harsher to actual players due to no fault of their own, but rather due to the fact that the salt is the only thing they've seen and they just begin to accept it

TL;DR: don't blame rules, blame yourselves
I wouldn't complain on the rules, rather the players. In Evo if we had a war with another organisation it was full on war, no one gave a fucking shit if someone shot you down for nothing if you were in war with them, everyones so fucking salty over bullshit

the issue still lies as an interpretation of the rules
the issue still lies as an interpretation of the rules
i think you would find that the issue lies within staff discretion combined with the general attitude of the community towards ARs
i think you would find that the issue lies within staff discretion combined with the general attitude of the community towards ARs

staff discretion is a synonym for their interpretation on the rules
you know what annoys me is when staff members see a problem and don't actually deal with it despite them being in a significant position of power to raise the case up in a staff meeting.

@John Daymon
i got one solution that could make it changed, make it so there can only be 10-12 people max in 1 org, and that orgs cant be friends with other orgs.
yeah I agree that its not really the staff's fault, its the player base which has forced and its going to take more now to push it back to how it was because there's no way of just resetting the staff ethos with the saltiness we just need to gradually gain it back if you want it.
This is our playerbase in a nutshell



lol i bet there's nobody trying to even challenge cosa nostra, its clear by how many people are applying on a daily

smh people... what happened to competition??