I don't know if any staff members or owners care about the server anymore (because it has been up for some time already) but if they would care they should unban players who used to play a lot on the server and weren't that bad players. For an example if I got unbanned, I would never break any rules intentionally and I would possibly be pretty active, so why not unbanning me?

In my opinion people who were in olsen weren't bad players. Husky was probably the worst because every video of PERP that I watched Husky was being toxic in chat. As we all know Husky is a good player and nobody cares about a small amount of salt in chat. Husky was probably the worst of the people who got banned without a reason who were in olsen and Husky is one of the top players still even with the small toxicity. If you think about it, why keeping those people banned who actually weren't bad players at all.
I even made a ban appeal