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Berlin, Germany
So, I was recently re-introduced to this game mode by my friend @Freed0m. I've had quite some fun at first when he started explaining me PERP a bit more in-depth because I already knew about the game mode but I never really got into it as other things grabbed my attention a bit more. But yeah, I just went on, and about and I am quite confident with the Serious aspect of the game mode as I am well experienced with other serious game modes that exist throughout Garry's Mod, so I didn't have problems at all with the rules and the like.

I decided to become a Paramedic, and I did become one, playing for about 5 hours. Over this span I've responded to multiple calls, during those I've started to realize that the players are quite rude, they simply approach you and verbally harass you to try and make you snap back so they can either beat you up or just gun you down. I'm quite a laid back person so it's not really a problem for me, I just went about and did my job.

The big part is when another new player was asking for some help and people just blatantly ignored and cussed him out for being a new player, if this would have happened to me and I was nothing but a player going into the game mode all by myself I'd have just left out of sheer frustration.

What's your guys' opinion? Has this stigma just manifested itself as acceptable? Is there a room for a change perhaps?
Just take a look at the AR's (Action Requests) and you will be sure what toxicity looks like. Btw the harrassment is In-Character i wouldn't take it serious unless theyre serious in OOC.
Just take a look at the AR's (Action Requests) and you will be sure what toxicity looks like. Btw the harrassment is In-Character i wouldn't take it serious unless theyre serious in OOC.
Yeah it definitely is In Character but I feel like one of the more predominant issues within PERPHeads, at least from what I've seen, is there is a very thin line between people's OOC feelings towards another player and how they approach them in character. Of course many arguments can be used against that because its a strange claim to make, just how it feels sometimes.

When I brought Denny to the server, I swear it only took like 10 minutes max for someone to start insulting him and call him a "Sweater" and so on, most people know this is usually light hearted but I can imagine its very intimidating for somebody that's new to the gamemode and trying to find their place.
It depends on which way they're cussing you out, if it's through out of character means then it's absolutely unacceptable.
However anything is allowed in-character so long as it follows the rules.

Not so recent rule implementations were needed because of people targetting new players for their money when they first spawn.
It wasn't supposed to be necessary but it happened.

There was also the Olsen incident, where a massive organization managed to mostly take control of most of the server both on the forums and in-game, Fredy stepped in and removed them from the community permanently to prevent further damage.
Some people don't care, and others will try to help you out.
What I suggest you do is, as you explanied, ignore the ones trying to cuss you out. Continue what you were doing, and later make a report if it is necessary (but only do this if they're harassing you out of character)

This kind of behavior, despite how new the joining members are, from various community members are repelling new members who are just trying to explore the gamemode.
If you don't know what PERP is, then it'll be very difficult to place yourself in such a position where you feel comfortable, despite the hostile behavior from certain community members.

It's very difficult to get into the gamemode due to the steep learning curve, and the gamemode is very unforgiving to new players.
The moment you begin realizing what you're meant to do, how to do it, and other techniques, it becomes easy, and in some instances difficult to do something wrong without acting on habit.

I personally have gained a habit of running away from shootouts once one occurs if I'm not in a job that's meant to deal with them. As a medic I keep a distance I believe to be safe, but available for the officers dealing with it, and as a civilian I leave the area completely, and check back later.
Sometimes even stumbling on the shootout again, then promptly turning around and leaving without as much as an order from an officer.

Yet, some people still do this, ignore gunpoint, shootouts, even spectate them while they're at direct risk of being killed just from standing there.
Some officers have their hand forced, and shoot their own handcuffed suspects if they're directly blocking the officer, and ignoring gunpoint.
Especially if the handcuffed suspect could mean losing the perimeter and having his entire team killed because of said suspect.

I've done this before, and they've complained time and time again. "WHY SHOOT? I WASN'T A THREAT" etc.
It's one of those things people constantly neglect, 3.4 is still a rule, and some people even go as far as trying to deliberately fuck you over for the smallest mistake you make.

Choose your friends carefully here, trusting just anyone isn't going to work and I've experienced this myself.
Weed out the ones you believe to be toxic, find people you think are decent and keep doing your best.
Once you get to know someone, they can be really cool.
@ErmakDimon is a prime example of this, despite the difficult times he has had, he plowed through them and never gave up.
People gave him shit for trying music, he ignored them and made fun of them by making more.

Writing a wall of text is becoming a habit of mine, and I really should stop, but I hope you get my point here.

TL;DR: Trust noone with just anything, ignore people trying to give you a hard time, do what you believe is right, and make sure you follow the rules in doing so.
Steep learning curve for new players, don't be intimidated by it, it isn't as hard as it looks like. Anyone can do it.
That's about it.
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Yet, some people still do this, ignore gunpoint, shootouts, even spectate them while they're at direct risk of being killed just from standing there.
Some officers have their hand forced, and shoot their own handcuffed suspects if they're directly blocking the officer, and ignoring gunpoint.
Especially if the handcuffed suspect could mean losing the perimeter and having his entire team killed because of said suspect.

I've done this before, and they've complained time and time again. "WHY SHOOT? I WASN'T A THREAT" etc.
It's one of those things people constantly neglect, 3.4 is still a rule, and some people even go as far as trying to deliberately fuck you over for the smallest mistake you make.
This is still a problem, its important for players old and new to acknowledge that this is a RP server. There is almost no limit to the things you can roleplay, unfortunately for many perp is nothing more then a extended counter strike game with drug growing and i assume the competition aspect is where the toxicity comes from.
I think OOC toxicity is the biggest problem. Salt (just yesterday evening we had a huge saltfest on the OOC) long-term beef and report spamming. Some peeps should lighten up cuz its just a game bro.

but in evocity we didn't have fucking idiots crying in OOC all the time when they died and blame each other for everything.
Wish we could go back to then, and have a passive community where noone really gave a fuck and actually played like it was a game instead of a second life.
Anyone miss this?
Wish we could go back to then, and have a passive community where noone really gave a fuck and actually played like it was a game instead of a second life.
Anyone miss this?
I played for probably not even a week back in like.. 2014? And if there is anything I can recollect from how it was back then in that short amount of time, is that there was barely any insult matches in OOC after firefights and the like. Not sure when you guys are referring to, maybe I just got on at a good time who knows.

But I don't even think this thread specifically aims towards that, although it does of course add to the problem, I think its more so towards the people that clearly let their OOC emotions towards a newer player reflect on how they treat them in character. I've literally witnessed a new player just trying to roleplay a character and being told to "fuck off" because most people don't have any interest in that what so ever.

At this point if you don't have a gun and you don't intend to give somebody a reason to shoot you, might aswell not even try to approach them. It is a nice feeling when the odd player actually embraces it though and contributes to the fun of somebody trying to RP.
Where theirs always some sort of rivalry, there is toxicity. Games like league csgo any really big game that has some sort of rivalry in it theirs toxicity just like perpheads. You've got the people who play for hours upon hours a day and the people who play maybe 1 hour a day. Now whenever you get raided by the sweats you get absolutely pummelled with insults in LOOC saying that you're shit. In any massive open game that has competitive theirs always that person on the winning team who writes "ez" or something like that. Even in runescape when you get pkd you always get laughed at and not credited for the fight. Now I didn't play perpheads when It was first out, It was probobaly a much better place than what it is now. There is always a person who takes something too seriously and you can't stop them unless you ban them (olsen)
When the current gameplay does not reflect that of a seriousrp server using the argument "we're just being cunts in character" isn't particularly valid
PERPHeads is in a bit of an identity crisis I've always found a bit strange. Perpheads claims to be a Serious RP server, and certainly has a rule count to match that claim. However the conduct of the gameplay is quite the opposite. Now, as someone who does serious RP all the time (Through games, chats, other gmod modes, and many more things) It's quite frustrating. I feel like if perpheads was to become less of a "GTA Without NPCs" there might be a bit more stability to it. Right now it's basically what, a large org forms, they cram into slums, someone raids them, a massive shootout happens, then it's all back to normal. That's not very serious, it's just like a warzone in a city. However, imagine if shooutouts of that scale were rare, as they are in real life, there'd be an actual shock factor, and potential to go from it. Another problem with it is that you're a "player" here. Serious RP revolves around building character, not just giggling and having many expensive cars, because you're popular on the forums. I could go into a very very long thing on this but I don't really want to because TL:DR is a very real thing. so Here's the end of it.
This is a good paragraph of my opinion (duh) don't rate, reply or do anything to this until you read from top to bottom.

I have things to agree on and disagree on here, Yes there are a lot of toxic people in this community who probably need to down a whole bottle of fairy liquid due to some of the vile and horrid shit I hear from their mouths. But unfortunately, the majority of it is IC. Yes, there are times that things said/done IC can be due to events OOC but that's how modern perp is. It's barely an RP server. To me, it has turned into a more toxic Cops n Robbers server with more shootouts than cop to crim RP. I mainly joined for Cop RP back in 2015 and although I loved a good shootout it wasn't because it was one of the reasons people say now it was because for me personally, they were not a common as they are now, They would be a bit of a treat and in some cases a reward for doing enough RP. Because back then for me, by the time the RP got boring there was always a panic or 911 call saying "Getting raided" or an LT calling us to the meeting room (After the 2015 Christmas update, no meeting room before that lul). But what I'm trying to get at is yes PH is toxic and to me seems to be getting worse. With the majority of Olsen getting removed and the org getting disbanded is a step in the direction as to lower the toxicity levels and trying to change perp from Cops n Robbers to an actual RP server. But it will always be toxic and there will always be moments when you question if this server even offers the players any crumbs of RP because that's the way it is I'm afraid.
i personally enjoy the toxicity of perp and it is the reason i return to see the fresh batch of faces get very annoyed when i knock on there door for half an hour.
It's a gaming community so as usual every one is toxic and disrespectful but it shouldn't bother you at all because it's just a game and irl they wouldn't speak like that
At times this community can be a very big headache and makes me question why I even bother playing on the server, people say not to take it to heart with the whole OOC beef but I can sense that they take it into IC as well. For example if you were to get into beef with that one person they’d just refuse to role play with you and be extremely salty with you completely spoiling the experience. It’s just a game and this is just a server I don’t understand why some people go full nazi mode. For example today I broke 3.4 a cop randomly had me under gunpoint at bazaar and told me to put my hands up and I refused so he tased me, fined me 5k jailed me for 5 mins then reported me to an admin to get me banned for 3 days.
For example today I broke 3.4 a cop randomly had me under gunpoint at bazaar and told me to put my hands up and I refused so he tased me, fined me 5k jailed me for 5 mins then reported me to an admin to get me banned for 3 days.

All due respect mate, I highlighted your problem(s) in bold, you just admitted to breaking a rule then moaned that you got banned for it? The officer may have had a valid reason, so your refusal was under 3.4, random or not.

However the community is cancerous and it has been since I joined back in V2, it's just the way perp is, if you think its bad, just look at how sexually frustrated half of the community get when they hear a chick.
lol what I meant to say is, he gave me the fine, gave me the jail time was it really worth it to complain to an admin to go get me banned for a weekend. Does it make him feel better?