roundabout in v5??????

should we have this roundabout in v5

  • yes i made the map in the first place after all

  • no this is a stupid idea america is better

  • im not bothered im too stupid to drive a car

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No In our superior traffic system we always yield to the right and in roundabouts yield to the left for some reason

"Yield at the entry to the roundabout. Circulating traffic in the roundabout has the right of way."


If you live in the UK it is opposite from you state of Maine, left vs right side traffic. Thereby it is easier to simply say that one is to yield for the traffic already inside the roundabout.
i'd need some nice drifting mechanics added with this aswell so i won't ever leave my car anymore fuck the rest of the game
Shut the hell up doggo u know I’m americano

yh u must be a coffee bc im addicted to you

Inb4 people get banned for going around the wrong way.

Staff have enough petty reasons to ban playerbase anyways.
Which happens to be to the left.
Silly European

And from the right if you drive on the left like in the UK, therefor it is easier to simply say yield to those inside the roundabout.

Damn you are dense.
And from the right if you drive on the left like in the UK, therefor it is easier to simply say yield to those inside the roundabout.

Damn you are dense.
Why the fuck are you going about quoting Maine law books then fuck tard? You replied to my perfectly accurate response which also mentioned the fact that I was regarding US trafffic laws in that I was explaining how confusing and contradicting they are, in which you decided to respond thinking your some slick shit and informed me you yield to the drivers in the circle, now if you actually took a sec to actually comprehend my god damn reply then you would’ve seen very clearly I was referring to an American traffic system where we yield to the left. I wasn’t talking about the UK and I understand you drive on the other side of the road. Please get the fuck out you useless piece of horse shit
Why the fuck are you going about quoting Maine law books then fuck tard? You replied to my perfectly accurate response which also mentioned the fact that I was regarding US trafffic laws in that I was explaining how confusing and contradicting they are, in which you decided to respond thinking your some slick shit and informed me you yield to the drivers in the circle, now if you actually took a sec to actually comprehend my god damn reply then you would’ve seen very clearly I was referring to an American traffic system where we yield to the left. I wasn’t talking about the UK and I understand you drive on the other side of the road. Please get the fuck out you useless piece of horse shit

What you seem to not understand is that I was pointing out that there is no difference between the UK and US roundabouts, it is irrelevant whether you "yield to the right" or the left. The common denominator is that you yield to the ones inside the roundabout.
There is no "superior traffic system" in the US, it's literarilly the same thing but reversed.....
What you seem to not understand is that I was pointing out that there is no difference between the UK and US roundabouts, it is irrelevant whether you "yield to the right" or the left. The common denominator is that you yield to the ones inside the roundabout.
There is no "superior traffic system" in the US, it's literarilly the same thing but reversed.....
Understandable have a nice day
you know your roundabouts are good when the UK steals your design

if its like this so you can still yeet over it(but with some damage consequences ofcourse) it'd be perfect

Also, the discussion regarding yielding is fucking retarded.

You give way to anyone currently on the roundabout including cyclists/peds ,you enter when you dont hinder others and when you leave you also give way to cyclists/peds. EZ
I think that the argument of "people will just speed through it" is pretty stupid. People speed through the highway intersection already. When a city realizes there is a high number of laws being broken in an area, they change the area to make it more difficult. Making it dangerous to go through the intersection at 100+ MPH is something that a real city would actually do, if it's a place full of fatal collisions. I feel that this, or another solution like it is a common sense change that should be made. The highway intersection is a flawed idea, and needs to be reworked. While a rotary is not a perfect solution, it is far better than what we currently have. It would also make it so staff members didn't have to fly around physgunning people away for jaywalking or running a red light anymore.

Let's save the sweaters, who lose their lives all too often to bugattis and teslas going 100+mph. No sweater should have to suffer a collision of that magnitude for jaywalking. Let's build the rotary.

ready for that angry email

PS: I support this idea
PPS: Because it will stop idiotheads from speeding through at 120mph
PPPS: and it'll make it easier for the cops to catch speeders because
PPPPS: they'll have to slow down