Purge toxicity

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With the new players we meet those from DarkRP and other non-serious RP servers with more or less disgustingly toxic OOC messages to other members.

This is also effecting others to do the same, they get instructed to make a report or an AR/IA but they always go back to OOC/LOOC and flame others.

I would propose much stricter response from staff member, as this is easily preventable if you stop it in its roots. Player gets toxic? Inform him to stop. He does it again? Ban him.

Staff is too lenient when it comes to this. They let it slide because it is pitty but it is causing serious issues when it comes to enjoying the server experience.

By ignoring the problem you make it worse and people see they can get awax with it, and we lose the sense of "community"

What do YOU think?
I think new players, in general, need help when I joined back in 2015 I met moron pippyld or however you spell his name he took me around the map bought me a mini cooper and showed me where and how to do everything but just yesterday a sweater got shot for having a bat by three police while shouting I don't know how to drop it. and if I was that new guy I would have just left
I feel like this is a toxic attitude because when people challenged this the cops just said "tough luck"
As if this isn't strictly enforced enough already, one of the reasons I was banned was for (quite clearly jokingly) saying "i will kill u all in real life".
Cracking down on peoples' feelings being hurt won't create some artificial sense of community because people will always dislike others regardless of if they're allowed to talk shit to them in OOC.
Plus, in doing this you're literally banning people which directly reduces the population, if anything the staff need to be less strict, rather than banning people for quoting everyone's favourite internet gangsters and playing phone dialling sounds down their microphone.
Their opinions are trivial, they whine until they tire and realize they have achieved nothing. Stop concerning yourself with people who don't even impact you personally, that's also a good life tip.
you really need to define what you think 'toxic' behaviour is before you can expect your message to be taken seriously. i don't know who you got in an argument with over OOC, or over what, but your idea needs to be fleshed out beyond what it is right now before anyone can really evaluate it.

use real words instead of anti-bully jargon bullshit
I noticed a problem with other members constantly arguing, and I asure you other people did too, including staff members.
No, I could care less about the OOC beef, but new players get the wrong image and will continue to behave the same way.

No, this is not made because I had beef with someone, @Topher , seeing that you instantly get this impression furthermore proves my point.

@ErmakDimon no, that's what ARs are for, otherwise we would do reports over OOC chat.

@Taylor, I am sure you do not share my views seeing you truly wish for this community to die, as you share this opinion all over the forum threads.

@Hazza , what you said was not toxic, rather in a possible joking manner or malicious depending on your impression.

Toxicity includes but is not limited to : slandering other members while calling them names and/or swear words, poor behaviour and/or excessive targetting
No, it's not a safeguard measure to prevent people from calling you an idiot in OOC, it's to prevent the new members from getting sick of the "toxicity" and leaving. I am sure they would much rather be in a friendly community where they dont get called out for RDM and failrp and be called an imbecile in OOC after killing someone IC.

I personally alert staff members because it always turns into huge arguements that get more and more toxic.

This happened the other day with no staff on and staff got welcomed with 15+ reports at one point
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I noticed a problem with other members constantly arguing, and I asure you other people did too, including staff members.
No, I could care less about the OOC beef, but new players get the wrong image and will continue to behave the same way.

No, this is not made because I had beef with someone, @Topher , seeing that you instantly get this impression furthermore proves my point.

@ErmakDimon no, that's what ARs are for, otherwise we would do reports over OOC chat.

@Taylor, I am sure you do not share my views seeing you truly wish for this community to die, as you share this opinion all over the forum threads.

@Hazza , what you said was not toxic, rather in a possible joking manner or malicious depending on your impression.

Toxicity includes but is not limited to : slandering other members while calling them names and/or swear words, poor behaviour and/or excessive targetting
No, it's not a safeguard measure to prevent people from calling you an idiot in OOC, it's to prevent the new members from getting sick of the "toxicity" and leaving. I am sure they would much rather be in a friendly community where they dont get called out for RDM and failrp and be called an imbecile in OOC after killing someone IC.

I personally alert staff members because it always turns into huge arguements that get more and more toxic.

This happened the other day with no staff on and staff got welcomed with 15+ reports at one point
holy shit if you get staff the server is even more fucked :vomit:
I think new players, in general, need help when I joined back in 2015 I met moron pippyld or however you spell his name he took me around the map bought me a mini cooper and showed me where and how to do everything but just yesterday a sweater got shot for having a bat by three police while shouting I don't know how to drop it. and if I was that new guy I would have just left
I feel like this is a toxic attitude because when people challenged this the cops just said "tough luck"
Lmao actually that sweater start run into a leo , anyways i talked with the officer who shot him yesterday. It was only 1 officer who fired. I hope officer won't do that again. And like 2-3 days ago i gave like 130-140K to a sweater lol he was so happy.
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