Purge toxicity

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With the new players we meet those from DarkRP and other non-serious RP servers with more or less disgustingly toxic OOC messages to other members.

This is also effecting others to do the same, they get instructed to make a report or an AR/IA but they always go back to OOC/LOOC and flame others.

I would propose much stricter response from staff member, as this is easily preventable if you stop it in its roots. Player gets toxic? Inform him to stop. He does it again? Ban him.

Staff is too lenient when it comes to this. They let it slide because it is pitty but it is causing serious issues when it comes to enjoying the server experience.

By ignoring the problem you make it worse and people see they can get awax with it, and we lose the sense of "community"

What do YOU think?
i think you need to stop being a baby and crying about abit of smack talk in ooc.

You don't understand what toxicity means, my friend. It's not a matter of saying "ez pz" or "YOU SO EZ", or being called a dumbass/retard, but rather continous intentions to cause people to spread clear slander and anger through OOC, and other thinge alike, such as using outstandingly offensive language.

Big ups to my boy Taylor
No, this is not made because I had beef with someone, @Topher , seeing that you instantly get this impression furthermore proves my point.

i was trying to hint at this in a more polite way at first, but let me make it more clear:
you're being hyperbolic and what you're saying makes no sense. changing staff policy so that the response to hurt fee-fees is a ban because someone said that you broke a rule or used outstandingly offensive language will not preserve a sense of community in any way.
No, it's not a safeguard measure to prevent people from calling you an idiot in OOC, it's to prevent the new members from getting sick of the "toxicity" and leaving.
there is no reason to take this seriously. player retention is low because newbies can't get into the PD and criminal life is too intimidating at the start, not because of toxic behaviour. show me one example of someone complaining about unchecked toxic behaviour from new players (or really anyone) and saying that the server is unplayable for them because of it. and i will show you 10 POs waiting in the PD telling me that they're bored and will probably leave the server.

seeing that you instantly get this impression furthermore proves my point.
nope. it really doesn't.
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