Who do you think will win the faceit mayor?

Seems like people like the less realistic game then

Rainbow six is 36th.
While CS:GO is 9th.
https://www.thetoptens.com/best-fps-games/ (Of all time btw)
CS is 9th
CSGO is 46th
Rainbow 6 is non-existent on this list.
CS:GO is 2nd
Rainbow six is nowhere to be found.


CS:GO is 4th
Rainbow Six is as non-existent as my real life.

If CS:GO was so impractical as you make it out to be? How come there's an E-sport grown around it?

CS:GO has fixed spray patterns whereas
R6S has a spread around your gun accompanied by recoil.

Fixed spray patterns make it so there's not alot of luck involved whereas circular spread does.
Yes a greater global standing, because it's a game with a high skill ceiling; old players keep playing and new players keep coming.
CS:GO is still growing in China and has more players than R6S.
CS:GO lost a bit of playerbase because of the trade holds but it's starting to go up again.
How's the weapon accuracy impractical when crouching or standing still? You are instantly able to fire off your gun. 100 percent accurately.
@Bean Can
Can you explain to him as to why weapons are physically unable to be 100% accurate when standing still/crouching for a second after walking/running?
Search up the definition of impractical and then come back to me and tell me that the way weapons work on CS:GO is realistic to disprove my point. Support with evidence too please I am literally howling lmao. I am not saying show me how they are realistic as in close to real life because that is just a joke in CS:GO or R6S but somewhat realistic.
CS:GO is still growing in China and has more players than R6S.
Of course it is the Chinese/Asians that are coming into the game. They are fuckin computers in fake skin and hair. What I am saying that CS:GO is not really open to casual players/people who go outside/have work/have school or general purpose outside their house to train their aim to become relevant and have a chance on CS:GO.
"Impossible to do; impracticable. "

Realism doesn't make a game good, does it?

CS:GO is meant to focus on raw skill.
Planetside isn't realistic nor is Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch for that matter, but those are good games aren't they?
"Impossible to do; impracticable. "

Realism doesn't make a game good, does it?

CS:GO is meant to focus on raw skill.
Planetside isn't realistic nor is Team Fortress 2 or Overwatch for that matter, but those are good games aren't they?
This does not answer my question. And don't bother bringing TF2 or Overwatch into this they hold no relevance in this debate. Not really.
Of course it is the Chinese/Asians that are coming into the game. They are fuckin computers in fake skin and hair. What I am saying that CS:GO is not really open to casual players/people who go outside/have work/have school or general purpose outside their house to train their aim to become relevant and have a chance on CS:GO.

I've played CS:GO for 5 years with 2000 hours of which 1/4 is AFK. And I can still enjoy it.
My friends whom don't play the game alot can still have fun in it.
Of course it is the Chinese/Asians that are coming into the game. They are fuckin computers in fake skin and hair. What I am saying that CS:GO is not really open to casual players/people who go outside/have work/have school or general purpose outside their house to train their aim to become relevant and have a chance on CS:GO.
I know of many people that have gotten high rank/elo on faceit/esea that only play for like 20 hours/2 weeks, I'm one of those myself.
But obviously they got luckier in the genetic lottery compared to the ones who got 3k hours that struggle in gold nova.
This does not answer my question. And don't bother bringing TF2 or Overwatch into this they hold no relevance in this debate. Not really.

Okay, possibly I might've misunderstood your point.

What I think your point was; CS:GO is a worse shooter because it is not realistic, and people should play R6S instead.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
@NeluDaHunter and @CodezBlack can you both shut the fuck up

Rainbow Six is a harder game in general, cs is piss easy if you just try a bit, simple as, they're even two different games.

NiP will win the major no joke lol

Could you just delete all our previous replies or something? I'd like for this to only have the predictions about CS:GO.

@CodezBlack I apologize, I see how you like R6S, and I'm not saying it's a bad game. It's not my type of game. But please refrain from shitting on my baby. If you want to continue this? add me on steam? maybe? Or we could go in ts3 together.
Okay, possibly I might've misunderstood your point.

What I think your point was; CS:GO is a worse shooter because it is not realistic, and people should play R6S instead.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I said it was an impractical one due to the fact of its insane accuracy when couching/standing still even when you had just stopped running/walking. Games don't need to be realistic but there are certain things that need to meet a certain standard to be considered even remotely realistic. And don't assume the word realistic as exactly the way it works IRL way. Lets say.. Semi-realistic.
Could you just delete all our previous replies or something? I'd like for this to only have the predictions about CS:GO.

@CodezBlack I apologize, I see how you like R6S, and I'm not saying it's a bad game. It's not my type of game. But please refrain from shitting on my baby. If you want to continue this? add me on steam? maybe? Or we could go in ts3 together.
I don't like either, I feel like R6S is going down the same road as CS:GO and that if CS:GO were to suddenly die out R6S would become the new CS:GO or something. I have no played Overwatch or TF2 so I can't fully support this prediction but that is how I feel. I am defending no game. At least I am not intentionally anyway.